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Lucia Side Story 7.6: The Beginning of All Stories





Baden quickly ran over as soon as his subordinates told him that the ominous aura covering the devil’s forest had disappeared.

The man sitting on his knees by the bedside slowly turned his head. But his face wasn’t one that Baden knew.

The godfather Baden remembered was a mysterious man who never aged and remained the same from when he was a child till even decades later. But the youth of his godfather seemed to have disappeared overnight. His godfather was no longer a young man. Whoever saw him now would say he was obviously a middle-aged man.


“Is…is it really you…godfather?”

“Say goodbye to your mother.”

“Huh? Mother…? Mother!”

Baden rushed to the bed and broke down wailing. Cael stood up stepped aside a little, waiting for Baden to sufficiently say goodbye to his mother.

When Baden proposed building his mother’s grave in this place, Cael shook his head.

“You should take her with you. If you make your mother’s grave here, no one will be able to check on her and it will soon be abandoned.”

“What about godfather…”

“As you can see, time has begun to flow for me.”

Baden swallowed hard. His godfather was aging quickly as if he was paying the price for maintaining his youth for so many years. When Baden saw him this morning, his godfather looked like a middle-aged man in his later years but in just a few hours, he looked like he had added 10 more years.

“I will escort you. Please come with me.”

“No. My grave will be here.”

“Then I should also…”



Cael placed his pendant in Baden’s hand.

“This pendant is connected with your mother’s soul. If your descendants ever find themselves in a crisis, it will be a great help to preserving your legacy.”

Baden took the pendant carefully and put it in his pocket, like it was very valuable. His godfather was a unique individual with a very mysterious set of ability that the average person couldn’t even imagine. A gift from his godfather would not be an ordinary thing.

“I have a request to make.”

“Yes, please. You can ask anything, godfather.”

“Don’t leave any word about me to your future generations. I don’t want to leave any trace of my existence behind.”


“Today will be the last day you and I see each other. Don’t ever come here again.”

“Godfather. To me, you were both my teacher and my father. A child abandoning his father is an unfilial act that I cannot consent to.”

“This is my last request. I do not want to show my end to anyone.”


Baden’s eyes were filled with tears like he would burst out crying at any moment and from his expression, Cael found the mischievous little boy who used play around him. Evangeline and Baden were miracles that occurred in his dried up life.

In this unpredictable huge world order, he was nothing but a weak and feeble existence.  Out of everything he had pursued so desperately, this was the only truth he had gained.

He gave Baden a faint smile.

“Perhaps I am the same. I wish you were my son, Baden.”

Baden bawled like a child.

* * *

Baden didn’t want to leave at all but he had to quickly deal with his mother’s body, so he had no choice but to leave his godfather’s mansion.

When the funeral was over, about ten days had passed. Baden went back to the mansion but the huge building had collapsed and turned into sand. In addition, there was no sign of his godfather anywhere.

Baden felt so stunned that for an entire day, he merely sat down, looking at the pile of rubble.

Time passed and the curtains rose to a period of upheaval. Hundreds of divided forces destroyed each other, or swallowed the other up, growing bigger and bigger and unifying to create a country. Baden made a name for himself as a meticulous subject in the founding of Xenon and was bestowed a title and land. In this new country, Baden created a new family that carried his name.

This was the beginning of the Baden family.





Translator’s Corner:

It has been a ride translating Lucia (for me, at least). Translating this book was my first time ever trying my hands on translating so it definitely has a special place in my heart. I didn’t initially plan on continuing to translate, let alone finishing the book. Was gonna pop out a few chapters, then hop off the grid… cough

My initial translations were… atrocious (in my opinion). But you guys were nice about it so I did the next one. And the next one….and I just kept doing it. Hah. I think I improved too. (Actually, I really improved. Hell, this book had me sleeping with the korean-english dictionary.)

I really have to thank you guys for the immense positivity and support. It kept me going so so many times. Thanks for coming along this ride with me. [Lucia] was a journey I really enjoyed, and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

I’ll be working on my next project [You’ve Got the Wrong House, Villain]. If you’re looking for something to read, do take a look and see if it is right up your alley. (As before, I do not read much ahead because I like to enjoy the book alongside the readers, but it had been a very fun novel so far.)

The update schedule is currently 2/week but as I have finished [Lucia], I plan to slowly increase that. Right after I get some rest ofc.

That said, I hope you all have a great day and enjoy yourselves!

-Miss Ruby.


332 thoughts on “Lucia Side Story 7.6: The Beginning of All Stories”

    1. Thanks Cael for giving Lucia and Hugh more time than you and Evangeline got to have. A sad but sweet story. I’d personally like to think Evangeline and Cael both reincarnated in Lucia’s time and finally got to be together. But either way it was another lovely mix of selfish and selfless feelings of two people who lived such hard lives.

    2. I usually don’t post… after having caught up with the manwha i was already quite taken by the story, i really put my life in pause for a few days reading this.

      Definitely seems to me to be one of not the best romance I’ve read, this translator made it an enormous pleasure for the most part, specially enjoyed it when she stopped using the indications of who said what… totally not needed. Im guessing the korean writer is also very skilled in prose. The story flowed like a charm and was extremely consistent over all. Full of depth, description, character development and very well done suspense.

      I sometimes felt that the erotica though enjoyable and thrilling was distracting too much from the plot, but i chose to read this 18+ version for a reason. 40 shades of gray cant hold a candle to the descriptive prowess of ‘Lucia’.
      From this work i can see that the author is a true artist. Very knowledgeable and capable of drawing a deep connection with his public.

      The translator is quite amazing herself, and did a very thorough, thoughtful and easy to follow job that deserves a high compliment.

      I joined at around chapter 40 (where the comic was at chapter 116), im glad the comic seems to be keeping close to the source material.

  1. Congratulations of finishing Lucia🎉🎉 Thank you very much for your hard work finishing this:) we get to read a wonderful story all thanks to you:) looking forward to YGTWHV 😆😆

  2. Thank you so much for you hard work! And I’m really glad you picked “You’ve got the wrong house villain” 😍
    This was a fun read 😁

  3. Thank you for translating this for us! You’re a great translator and a nice one. Thanks and good luck in your future novels~ 🙂

  4. Thank youu so muchh for the translation after all this timee 👍🏻❤
    i’m gonna miss the ducal couple(Lucia,Hugo) and Their Children (Eve, Damian) a lot… 😭

  5. Thank you for translating this novel! We could definitely see the care you put in your translations since it always pleasant to read. I’ll be definitely reading your next works!

  6. i love this story very much and at the same time i feel like shit (crying) for the sad events especially the last side story . i thought may be he live to the future and stay with the other evangeline which may be after knowing him gain the original evangline soul and be happy together but he chosed death .

  7. Thank you so much for your hard work! I hopped on board and started reading this when you were just about finished with the main story. What a wild ride this was! Thank you for continuing the translations for it, and thank you for your consistent updates! I’m already reading “You’ve Got the Wrong House, Villain,” and I’m enjoying that. Looking forward to seeing those updates!

  8. HUHUHUHU IT’S FINALLY THE END! thank you so much Miss Ruby! And completing this novel T^T This is such a wonderful and amazing translated novel. It really gave me new perspectives and meaning of life and especially marriage. Thank you again! You deserve a long rest ❤ I look forward to your next translated novels💖💕

  9. Thank you for this novel. Going to missed checking for updates for this, but glad that can reread this any time 😊💐💐💐💐

  10. Till now I’m a silent reader. With the ending of Lucia I would like to speak up to Miss Ruby. A huge thank you for your consistent delivery of quality translation. I’m very grateful you take us (the readers) with this adventure. To read a chapter only takes several minutes but I’m fully aware that the translation of the very same chapter needs a whole lot more time. I can’t image how many effort this must cost you… So thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me getting acquainted with my first translated Korean novel. Cheers from Holland.

  11. Thanks to so much! I’ve been following Lucia since the beginning and it’s so weird that it’s ending. This is the first comment I’ve written here despite reading for so long because I just really want to thank you for the awesome translations you do!

  12. Ah, miss Lucia and Hugh already. We never have a chance to see Damian and Ted in their future life… Also Evangeline and pretty Brother…. This is such a great journey. Thank you for translating this novel

  13. Awwww im Cryin’😭😭😭😭
    Miss Ruby THANK YOU SO MUCH!
    I fell so hard. I really did fell in love in this story.
    I really thankful you’re the one who translated this.
    We greatly appreciate your journey & hardwork completing this. I learned new things & realized new perspective in relationship, marriage & life. Looking back at the roller coaster of emotions🤣 this brought & now the end its heartwarming. And it was you Miss Ruby who gave us – the English readers – the opportunity to be indulge in this wonderful story✨

    Again thank you so much! Gonna miss this.. really😭 Hope there’s sequel like story for Damian or Eve. Take time to rest. Looking forward to your future transactions. You are amazing✨💞♥️

  14. Thank you so much for your hard work and for sharing your journey with us! You have brought us all so much joy with this novel and we will continue to support you as you translate You’ve Got The Wrong House Villain. Many hugs and kisses!!!

  15. Is the story of Lucia over? It gives feeling of happiness at the same time of sadness.
    Oh, there’s still Lucia (Taruvi) manga, although I’d rather it be R-18, but at least it’s interesting to read.

    Thank you for Miss Ruby’s persistence, as I know it is not easy to translate each chapter especially the foreign language. And at least I know the feeling of being persistent, because I’m a draftsman and writer.

    It will be hard for me to find another novel that will catch my attention right from the start. At least some novels already arrest me and are still in progress.

    Thank you for everything!!!

  16. Thank you Ruby for your incredible work and dedication ! First found your website this summer and what a ride it has been 😭 Also i’d like to give a special mention to your Translator’s Corners as they have been very entertaining (especially the ones where you were fighting off the awkwardness of translating the nsfw scenes haha). For real, it was a delight coming back every week to read new chapters, it became a comforting ritual so thank you for that. I will definitely be sticking around for your new projects and can’t wait to see where you’ll take us next so in the meantime i hope you’ll take care !

  17. I am very grateful for your translation, Miss Ruby.

    Lucia really made my day. And I’ll refresh this blog page like … four times a day to check if there is a new post.

    Thankyou for your hard and sincere work.

    It’s bittersweet that Lucia has to end :’)

    I thought Cael-nim would go to the future and marry the future Evangeline. Ah, now I wondering how their –Hugh, Lucia, Damian, Eve, all of them– life will unfold in the future. I hope its a good one. <3

  18. Thank you so much for all your hard work and effort! I’ll miss the weekly Lucia updates :’), absolutely enjoyed this ride! YGTWHV is pretty fun too, so thank you for translating that series as well \(^0^)/ I wish you all the best and that you’ll have a great day /week as well! Thank you again!

  19. Thank you Miss Ruby for all the effort you put it. I have been enjoying chapter after every chapter. I can’t imagine the work you put in, but I know it wasn’t easy for you, that’s why I’m so thankful for all of it. You did really really great in translating, and I wouldn’t have enjoyed the story if it wasn’t for you.

    Although after reading this last chapter I felt the same way as Baden did. I kept staring at the last word and hope that somewhere somehow a few more words would pop out and the story would extend into having to read about Cael, Evangeline and Damian’s love story. Also a few more of Hugo and Lucy’s story in their old age would be an icing to the cake.

    Love all of it. Congratulations to the author. And congratulations to Miss Ruby! ❤❤❤

  20. Thank you for this book

    Muchas gracias por la traducción disfrute mucho leer este libro, espero con ansias los próximos proyectos
    Desde mexico GRACIAS

  21. The journey finally come to an end. thank you so much Miss Ruby for all your efforts! i’ve been enjoying myself reading Lucia and come to realize i checked your blog everyday! xD

  22. I really appreciate your work Miss Ruby♥️♥️. You gave me a happiness that I thought I would never need, Lucia is my first Korean novel and see that it ended I feel pleased and at the same time sad. I have followed this novel for 5 months and I am in love, really thank you very much!

  23. Who’d knew this story that held a place in my heart would come to an end. Though as an avid reading lover (as a silent reader), I’d be expecting to encounter many of these moments countless times but it all feels the same every time I read a good one, one that ended before I was ready to let it go. Oh will I definitely reminisce this. I can’t wait to be able to see where “you’ve got the wrong house, villain” will go. I guess that’s the next ride for me to go. Till next time Ms Ruby, till next time.

  24. I really appreciate your work. You gave me a happiness that I thought I would never need, Lucia is my first Korean novel and see that it ended I feel pleased and at the same time sad. I have followed this novel for 5 months and I am in love, really thank you very much!

  25. Thank you so much Ruby !
    I am truly enjoying your translation.

    I am pretty sad Lucia is really ended but i will wait for your next projects !
    Keep it upppp

    Lots of love from Indonesia❤️❤️❤️

  26. I really loved the novel Lucia and i really appreciate the work and effort you made to bring us this beautiful story.
    Now that it’s over, there’s only thanks left.
    Muchas gracias por todo <3

  27. Thank you so much miss ruby for you hard work! This is incredible series and I think I won’t stop reading it for to time to time! Thank you again. Please have plenty of rest!

  28. Thank you so much for your beautiful and hard work miss Ruby. I always enjoy ur translation.

    Though some people think this novel only contain bed actions, but actually their love stories is much more than it.

    Finally I know from whom Lucia got her character. And, from the very beginning Cael already know that Lucia should take the pendant so eve’s soul will be rebirth to the world. (╥ω╥`)

    My heart is broken knowing the journey already ended here with Lucia. (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

    Bravo for the author. And congratulations for finishing this novel miss Ruby. I started loving read novel because of your work. Thank u so much

  29. Thank you for completing Lucia. It has been an enjoyable read and you did an excellent job translating it imho.
    Enjoy a nice, well deserved break. I look forward to the other one picking up in speed a bit. ^^

  30. Thank You for Your hard work!!!!😭😭😭😭😭 It was a pleasure to read Your translations!!!!👍💃💃💃💃💃

  31. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for translating this book and shares with us. It’s a pleasure to read this book. I love it.

  32. Thank you very much for the translation, I’m a little sad to have no continuation, I started reading so good week was this story, because I had to translate to my language … Thank you for your beautiful work translation. ❤️

  33. Thank you so much for your translations! Truly appreciate them! ❤️ Your translation was never awkward or clumsy and I thoroughly enjoyed the story. 🙂

  34. Dear miss Ruby, thank you so much for your time and work. It has definitely been a ride while reading the constant updates on Lucia. I will miss reading about Lucia. It feels like a bittersweet ending to something I have followed for such a long time, constantly looking up your blog for any new chapters and now it has come to an end. Once again, thank you so much for translating the books on Lucia and giving us, non-Korean speakers the chance to read this novel. I will continue to support your work and am reading the other novel you are translating as well! ^^

  35. Miss Ruby, it has been a pleasure following this novel with you. I loved. Although the last chapter was short, I cried. I hope you can keep bringing novels and if there is one of Damian or Evangeline, I hope you are the one to translate it. Thank you for all these beautiful chapters. 😊😊😊😊

  36. I’m not ashamed to admit I did cry a little when I read about how Cael‘s life ended. His story was short but I felt attached to him ya know? 😭😭😭
    I’ll also cry bc I’ll miss the beautiful ducal couple and Damian + Bruno + Evangeline and everyone else.
    Lucia has long been my favorite novel on NU both because it’s a great story and because you did a great job translating. I’ll miss the story a lot and will likely be back in due time to re-read it.
    Thank you so so much for persevering and working such a brilliant translation for everyone.

  37. As much as I’d love to see more of the characters I am very happy that this story had such a dignified ending, it is too often that a story drags on endlessly and the feeling with finishing it is more “Phew it’s over” rather than the bliss of Lucia.
    Anyways thanks Ruby for the translation, here’s wishing you luck with your projects in the future.

    I’m really grateful for your translations because it gave me a bit of break from all the stress when I’m reading Lucia, so again thank you for that.
    blessings upon you as always and good luck for all your next works!!!

  39. Thank you so so much for your really amazing translation. You know, everyday i refreshed your page hoping for an update (or two or more!). Always a great time reading your translation. Sending my love to you, and hoping for everything good upon you! Thank you again.

  40. I have never commented before but I have been along for the ride for a while. I just wanted to say thank you so much for translating the book! It always put a smile on my face and you always worked so hard so I’m really grateful!!!!

  41. Ruby, thanks a lot for all your hard work! I’ve been in the ride for maybe a year and half, and I’ve been enjoying each and every chapter you translated! Really one of my fave novels, so thx for sticking till the end!! See you in Wrong House, for now it’s also looking very interesting ^^ 😘😘😘

  42. I can’t thank you enough for all the work you put into this Miss Ruby! Truly, it has been a very special ride and this ducal couple will forever have a place in my heart. Rarely do I read such a fantastic piece and I am more than grateful to you for making this possible and persevering to the end.

  43. Thank you so much Translator-nim! This is my first time leaving a comment here, but I can’t help but express my utmost gratitude. Thank you!

    It was translated in a perfect way i loved it and i love you 🤣💛💚

  45. Thank you so much, Miss Ruby. I was getting into reading translated Chinese novels when I came across Lucia. You did a very good job 👍🏻 and your interactions with your fans gave the translation a more personal touch ❤

  46. I want to thank you infinitely for this beautiful translation work, I do not know any English and I have read this novel with the google translator, I can say that the work is so well executed that I found it very easy to read.
    I have been reading this novel for 2 years that if it had not been for you Miss Ruby we would not have finished reading it, I am grateful that you have taken it, when for X reason, the person who previously did it could not continue.
    Thank you very much again for this great work.
    I have mixed feelings … I am happy to know the end of this novel … but I am sad that it is over …
    But I will continue reading your work with the new novel you translate ..
    Now there is only rest from such hard work.
    Kisses and blessings from a distance, from Chile with love.

  47. I can’t imagine how hard is it to translate, let alone a whole book.. so, thank you so much for doing it and sharing it with us. you are the true MVP, miss Ruby. Love you!

  48. Thank you sooooo much for translating!! Lucia is the first korean novel I’ve read and I’m so glad I got to read it with such a great translation (and translator, since the TNs were also fun to read!!) Again, thank you so much!!!! <33

    1. thank you author-nim! i survived my tiring clinical internship and board exam review thanks to u and your dedication to translate this novel! sad that lucia had to end 😦 hopefully a sequel for damian will be released since i want him to have a happy ending as well.

  49. Been lurking here previously…

    THANK YOU FOR TRANSLATING!! I really love Lucia, its pace was right, most of the characters are all well-developed… Thank you for picking up such as wonderful book and sharing it with all of us!! Looking forward to your other translations!

  50. Thank you for your hard work Rubi Sama ! You should rest a few days and take care of yourself first. And lots of love for you.

  51. Thank you, Ruby. Couldnt thank you enough for translating this treasure. Your dedication and hard work should be rewarded. I loved reading Lucia. It is a novel novel. I wish i was as talented as you, i love learning new languages, will try to learn more in the future.

  52. Thank you for your hard work, Ms Ruby! ‘Lucia’ is my favorite Korean Novel and your translations helped me to enjoy the content even more. I dont know how described my feelings right now- it felt bittersweet to have this ending. I wished for more but understand that every story has its own ending.
    Thank you once again, Ms Ruby! Really really appreciate the effort! May you have great days ahead of you always xoxo

  53. Thank you so much for everything ❤️ I am undoubtedly grateful for your hard work and dedication in translating Lucia for us. You really inspired me to start learning Korean in order to read other stories. Please take care of yourself and rest well. Always sending you my appreciation and support Miss Ruby!

  54. Thank you so much for all your hard work, Miss Ruby!! I can’t even begin to understand the amount of effort and time you put into this.

  55. Thank you so much for translating the whole series! This is one of the best out there great story line and great translations! I think we have all fallen in love with Lucia and Hugh and while I’m sad it’s finished I’m also happy it ended on a great note! <3

  56. Thank you so so much miss rub!
    Reading your translation is one of my get away from my boring life 😍

    I love your work so much!
    May happiness be with you always, because you do bring happiness to a lot of people

  57. Thank you so much for all the time and effort it took to translate this. I’m often sad that I can’t read light novels because there aren’t any complete translations I can get to. Lucia was truly a wonderful story and I was glad to be able to have read it. And I agree, you’ve improved so much through this whole journey. I look forward to reading your other translations.

  58. Thank you so much for your wonderful and generous heart. You had me hooked from the very beginning. I greatly appreciate your hard work. I am crying coz it finally ended. #Sad but it clearly showcased your ability to deliver the right emotions through your all translations. I can’t thank you enough for the amazing job you have done. Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! 🙏😊❤️

  59. Thank you miss Ruby for letting us have this amazing story. Following this since last year had become a part of an amazing journey. Thank you so much I will always support you miss Ruby. More blessings for you <3

  60. Thank you for all your hardwork❣❣❣ I really enjoyed Lucia and it became one of my favorites overtime. All of this was possible because of your hardwork and dedication🥰 Looking forward to your next translations❣

  61. This is the first time I’ve commented.. I can’t express how grateful I am to see you’ve finished the translations and I’m supremely thankful for your commitment.. I’ve been an avid reader of many translations online for a good while now and ‘Lucia’ is one of the few that has made me cry, laugh, and feel something deep in my heart. I will miss the Lucia world, and I will definitely re-read the whole thing in the future. Thank you for this experience Miss Ruby!

  62. Ahhhh it finished ;_; im sad cuz im gonna miss it since ive been following it since a long while ago but ;A; im happy as well.
    Thank you for the wonderful translation, I’ve always felt like your translations are great in quality and of course I’d be reading what you will translate in the future, thank you for your wonderful work 💜

  63. Thank you so much Miss Ruby ❤️! Today was truly bittersweet 💔😭 , but I am not completely sad because of “ you’ve got the wrong house, villain”. I am so excited because the story is really interesting. I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work 😓🥰.

  64. Thank you for the bboookk😍

    Thank god. You have another book. Otherwise i would have missed you so much and gone mad. 😍

  65. Thank you so much for not giving up! I fell in love tremendously. I serious would have bawled my eyes out if I didn’t have my sibling in the room. Lol. Truely in love with this novel and thank you so so much for the hard and continues work that you do!!

  66. First of all, thank you so much Ruby for translating this novel, it was truly a pleasure to read it and I’m also reading your latest translation so I hope you can preserve till the last chapter like this one.
    I’m a fast reader who likes to consume numerous novels all at once and most of the time if it’s not a long series I forget about them and move onto my next target but Lucia was a bit different.
    The story line isn’t something out of this world nor a cliche done to perfection yet it somehow manages to touch you. I find it hard to care about characters in a web novel setting despite them being published later on because they’re usually a lot cartoony and flat then I would prefer but despite Lucia’s inclination to this sort of route, overall it actually managed to distinguish itself.
    By the end I was rooting for everyone and not just Lucia, the main character. Last epilogues made the story stronger rather than curbing it’s momentum which is a rare case.
    I don’t know, I really loved the butterfly effect that Lucia(+Cael & Evangelina) had on everyone, it was beautiful and heartbreaking to see of another possibility pending out there.

  67. Thank you so much for translating Lucia, Miss Ruby!! Lucia was the first Korean novel I’ve read, I’ll definitely be rereading it again! Miss Ruby, if you decided to take on another project I’d suggest Light & Shadow! I feel like it’s similar to Lucia.

  68. Thank you so much for all your hard work in translating this book. It’s been a few months since I started reading and this book resonates with me so much. I’m continuously looking for something similar that will speak to me as much as this story. I might re-read it!

  69. Thank you for sharing this wonderful novel with us. It pained me to think that this will be the end. I love lucia and all the side stories that im wishing for more. I dont know if i can find another novel as awesome as this but if anyone can suggest to me, please do… I’ll miss all the characters for sure.

  70. I can’t thank you enough for your hard work translating [Lucia] this was my second novel that I barely sleep anxious to read… the first one was [Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang] was amazing too ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
    I still dind’t read the [You’ve Got the Wrong House, Villain] but for sure I will check ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
    again thank you SO MUCH, *big hug* (▰˘◡˘▰)

  71. Hi, i caught up with your translations when you’re still working on the side stories (book 8) which is quite late so i couldn’t join the hype in the comments but i read all the comments while progressing on reading this, it’s also my first time reading a whole translated korean novel & i admire you for having the will & passion to continue translating even to the last bits of the side stories! i may not understand the korean language so well but from what i’ve read, i can say that i could very well understand the story & i think the words usage are very good? that’s from my pov, i think you really did amazing for the translation considering this is your first time too! i would really like to say a big thanks to you for translating this novel, it is such a good novel & a good read! considering how good this is, i might read the next novel you’re working on as well!! thankyou so much!! keep up the great work, i’m cheering on you enthusiastically rn! /hugs u/

  72. Thank you for the enjoyable ride! The story Lucia was a roller coaster of emotions especially this last side story. I can’t believe the pendant has such as sad background. Also can’t believe the last chapters would make me cry. Thank you for finishing the translation of this wonderful story. I had fun and I love it very much. ❤❤❤❤❤

  73. Thank you SO MUCH for translating this!! The comic has been coming out recently on TappyToon and I’ve been horribly obsessed. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I came hunting for the novel, but you just had to do something so amazing as this. Good work, and good luck on your next project!! I plan to read it, eventually, too!

  74. Thank you sooo much, miss ruby and shadowdog for your hardwork translating this novel😭😘💘 you guys are really the best!!💘💘🥰🥰
    Lucia is my first Korean webnovel I read and when I found this blog I am really beyond happy!! Because I’ve read Lucia in another blog and I don’t really understand what is the translator trying to say😥 you really did a good job here!! I wish only the good things happen in your life🥰🥰🥰

  75. Hi! Ummm… I’ve never commented before but I just want to say thank you for translating this novel!💓 Whenever I’m tired or feel sad, I read this and it would never fail to put a smile on my face. I can’t put into words just how much reading has helped me when I feel low. I could probably write a whole essay to express my gratitude but it still won’t be enough. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!!!!💓

  76. I-I feel like crying 😭😭😭

    It’s not often a novel makes me feel like this, it’s super duper rare 😭😭

    Thank all mighty G O D you continued translating this and finished it beautifully. I wish I could hug you rn. Seriously, that k you so much for translating this 😭

    I’m reading YGTWHV rn and I already love it, I’m looking forward another novel from you! 😘

  77. I never regret reading this novel. Its really surprising for me to read a full english novel. Im not that fond in reading novels. But when I read Lucia, its already a manhwa. Then i find it short because it was only recently released so I decided to read the novel itself. Im really glad. The story is amazing. Thank you for translating the story! 😁😊😊

  78. Thank you so much Miss Ruby for translating this novel!! T_T

    This is such a great novel and I’m really thankful that you are the translator, with your consistency to stick with only one novel, and you actually finished the whole thing unlike others… Thank you so much for giving this novel the great translation it deserves. I wish you best luck on your other projects after this, Miss Ruby

  79. I happened upon this novel by chance and I’m so glad I stuck around. This has been one of the better translated novels (plot and translation) that’s I’ve read in a while. The only thing I would like to know is: did Damon ever find “Ted”? And who was ted? Her description sounds sounded familiar.

    Please continue translating. You’re doing a great job. I’m glad that you decided to stick around.

  80. I’m not a person who really put comment on things but this time I really can’t help myself by putting one.

    Dear Ms. Ruby, thank you so much for your translation! I really enjoyed reading Lucia and it all thanks to your translation! It must hv been tough and I can never imagine just how much you’ve put out your time aside to keep translating this work. Thank you so much Ms. Ruby!

    수고했어요 정말 고생했어요

    1. As the readers before me, i saw the webtoon and i knew i had to read the whole story, 3 days of rollercoaster, thank you so much for your hard work miss Ruby !

  81. Dear Ms. Ruby,
    I found this story in a webtoon format first and then my search in search engine guided me to this website to get the further stories.
    You couldn’t imagine how this story hooked me up (because you’ve translated it so well) so I finished all the chapter no more than 5 days (it was a achievement for me too).
    So thank you, really.. thank you so much for giving your best in translate this novel so I could find another new world in literature. I hope you keep let us enjoying your work for another novel too.
    I’ll definitely back another time (just to reread lucia or trying the new one).

    1. I’m the same! I found the webtoon version of this and was thankfully able to just happen across the full translated novel. Thank you so much Miss Ruby for taking the time to continuously update and finish this wonderful series!

    2. Bro I picked this up the same way and this is day three. I’m crying. It’s so beautiful… I feel like the story should never end– I could read endless pages of Lucia and the Taran Dukedom and now I could read even more of the Baden family or the alternate lives… I’m so glad I read this. So… SO glad.

    3. It was the same for me!
      I found the webtoon and there somebody said that the real story was way better and then was the link to this website. I feel so glad to have found this precious translation ✨
      I’m just a little bit sad because I really wanted to know the real future of their children, or the Duke’s reaction about the pendant (Lucia’s gift), and the real ending of the “other life” of them. And a lot of more things obviously… Anyway, I feel grateful right now.

  82. I can only say, that I am truly grateful to yous.Ruby for translating this beautiful story.
    Thank you very much for a lot.
    I cannot say how much I fell in love with this hiatoeia and say that now, I am crying with this ending 😭😭😭😭
    Thank you ❤️🤗

  83. I, like many, saw the webtoon and could not help myself from searching for more and to my amazement you not only translated the whole work but have done a tremendously great work. Never during my reading did I think oh that sounds strange… I speak 2 languages so I can only imagine how much effort you put in. Especially when one language does not have a certain word/expression that the other does.

    Thank you so much for all your hard work!!

    You’ve have really bestowed us with so much joy <3

  84. This has long been in my to-read list. I began reading it only for the purpose of clearing my list, but I fell in love with the novel.❤️
    Thank you so much for translating this novel, Miss Ruby!

  85. I religiously followed this until the last 3 chapters, when I just couldn’t bear to do it any more and accept that the story was ending.

    This has been one of my all-time favourites. Certainly the best with adult bits. Came for that, and stayed for the diabetes.

    Thank you so so much for bringing this to us and the many hours of joy we’ve had from it.

  86. Miss Ruby
    I’m so grateful to u for letting me experience the thrill of reading this wonderful novel through your amazing translations!! Throughout this novel reading i could feel your passion and hardwork and it kept me hooked.Thanks once again….🙏🙏
    Love from India💛❤️💛

  87. Thank you for your work ruby
    do they tell damien the truth?!
    ahh so many questions…

  88. Thank you so much for translating this TT I am sadden to find this Jem so late but very gratefully that you have translated this 💕😭😭🥺, hahah and the only thing is that my name is very uncommon in stories but I was shocked to share the same name as the fox XD
    Thank you so much for your hard work and Perseverance til the end 🙈🔥💕😍

  89. Dear Miss Ruby, thank you so much for the translations. I first found Lucia in comic form but I couldn’t wait for updates so I look for the novel instead. I found you and I had a great time reading it. Your translations are very well done and I hope to read more translated novels from you. Thank you for your hard work.

    Love from
    Alice ( from Malaysia )

  90. I decided to read this by chance (read the first 30 webtoons(?) and only read 1 or 2 light novels before, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    It really felt that I was living in this world and could very vividly imagine each scene, I still have a hard time letting it go. My mind is buzzing with plot line possibilities. I have to thank you for that for allowing me that experience.

  91. This is so beautiful. I am reading this on February 2020. Thank you for your hard work. Such a beautiful thing to enjoy even after years. Please take care of yourself.

  92. I never leave comments but the flow of translation has been nothing short of amazing. Except for the bits where you left the original Korean words like “Gong” as is, I constantly forget that this is a translated story.

    Thank you for you time and dedication!

  93. I really love this novel.. Thank you miss ruby!!

    Anyway, can I translate this novel into Bahasa?
    Please?! Of course I’ll credit your name, blog and patreon on it.

  94. Wow what a ride , really tragic to see what becomes of both families in the other timelines where these two dont meet, but all in all beautiful story and good job to you for translating this so well thanks

  95. Reading this made me so so so happy, I’m so glad that it’s complete too 😭 thank you for all your hard work, time and efforts miss ruby! I’m looking forward to reading your next project too!

  96. Thank you for your translation and for your hardwork.
    I still cant know about the ending.. So the Damian is died? And the novel is finished with the death of damian?

    1. No Damian died in alternative future which Lucia saw in her dream. But thanks to Lucia’s choice to change the future Damian is now alive.

  97. Good story. After finish reading, make sure to reread it again. Some plot is more make sense after read 2nd time. Thx , translator and author.

  98. Reading this up to this point was overall an unforgettable experience, happily waiting for your trans everytime and lowkey scared that you might fall out of love and stop translating (like most ppl doing this kinda unofficial trans) but you didnt. This is the first long korean novel that I read up to the end and it’s all thanks to you. Good thing someone like you translated an amazing story like Lucia. Once again, thank you for real.

    Btw, I’m looking for a really great story to read after this, whoever saw this comment feel free to recom me some lol preferably like Lucia- if possible.

  99. woaa~ what a roller coaster story was! but so beautiful <3 I'm so thankful to you (Ruby) for allowed me to read this through your translation, thank you so much!~

  100. Hey there Ruby and other readers. This was an awesome story that really touched my heart and I know I’m late or didn’t even follow it (I just finished the story despite picking it up a bit after the love confession chapter) but this story really left a huge impression on my heart and I’m just gonna say I’m glad that this all happened and I’ll hopefully interact with y’all in the future. This was a great story thank you so much for letting me and everyone else here experience it to its full glory.

  101. Thank you for translating Lucia. This story has touched my heart and I’m so ever grateful that you’ve taken this webnovel up to translate.

  102. Thank you soooooo much from the bottom of my non-Korean speaking heart. I finally picked this up after reading so many recommendations and I sure am glad I did it. I was on this constantly for a week unyil I finally finished the side story this morning at 10am. I was a bit shocked and heart dropped to my belly when I read “this is the last side story.”
    Oh, how I want it to continue.
    Although mid-thirties is just the beginning of life, having been through all those years with this super lovely couple from their young age gave me lots of feels.

    I will eventually re-read this story. I had all my fave chapters bookmarked.

    Ruby, you worked so hard on this book and I am so glad that you just kept going. Thank you SOOOOO much!! I truly miss Luica and Hugh. I’m so glad they came together for all of us.

    Gosh…Sorry…I just cant let go. Lol

  103. Thank for all your hard work miss rubi. You have done a very great job of translating the book and yes you have indeed improve so much.

    I didnt expect that Lucia will so amazing like this. Again thank you for picking this up and translating. You have allowed us non koreans to enjoy this wonderful story.

  104. ijustwishyoucouldfeelwhatyousay

    Thank you so much miss ruby for translating this 😊😊😊 i really enjoyed this novel 💜

    1. Dear miss Ruby,

      I would like to say thank you for translating this beautiful story. I always wanted to read this but waiting for the translation to be completed. And here I am, crying by myself after finishing the whole book for 3 days. I wish the author will create another story for Damien and his friends. This story definitely one of my all time favourites. Once again, thank you. And I look forward to your next project 🙂

  105. Hello,
    I am ashamed to say that I began to read this story on another website. I was very happy to find it and didn’t think more than that until I found that it was published on this site.
    I am very proud to say that I immediately switched to your website to read it!
    Thank you for taking the time to translate it for our great enjoyment.
    I loved this story.

      1. Hi Im sorry Im replying under this comment because I’m new and I dont know where I can post a comment haha. I just wanna ask if Lucia has part two or something? Like about Demien and Ted. I don’t think they talk about who Ted is and what happened to her. I’m just curious if Damien has his own story?

        Also Thank you so much for translating this💕, I’ve been crying because of the last side story ahaha and because it ended💔 this was such a great story and I cannot move on from it ending 😭

  106. I stumbled on the webtoon first and wanted more then discovered your translations. Miss Ruby thank you so much for picking up & your time translating the entire novel!! I appreciate all the efforts that went into it! ❤ I was so happy to read about Lucia & Hugh love story absolutely enjoyed the ride. I hope that Cael got to meet Evangeline in the future even if it wasn’t written.

  107. Some questions I have remaining:
    Does Damien ever find his love?
    Where is Chris?
    What happened to Jude that day he didn’t show up.
    Does Lucia tell Hugo about their life together in the alternative universe?
    Otherwise this novel was reall uh good. Thank you for translating it.

  108. i really loved this story so much. truly i came for the plot but the smut also ended up being quite fun to read seeing how creative the author gets. it was plot relevant too. the story was simply too heartwarming. ive melted i tell u. lucia is the sweetest. the baden family carrying the legacy of these amazing women (and strong men borne of them) ..its so wonderful. my heart is full and threatening to overflow. this last sidestory really hurt so good. i had a lovely time. thank you miss ruby for the translations! really brought the story to life

  109. I am still in a state that I cannot accept this has ended! 😭😭😭 Dang! What a ride! 😭😭 But thank you very much Miss Ruby for translating this, I am officially following your translations! 😉

    But I really do love to read Damian and Eve’s stories too! 😭😭 I want to see more of Hugh and Lucia’s love to one another! My ghadd! I first saw the webtoon of this and upon knowing that there was a novel I tried reading it hoping that it will be good and it turned out more than what I expected! I have read a lot of wife-doting husband but Hugh is number 1! 😍😍😍 hahaha I am sooo sorry to LTX whom I made as number one but Hugh really really surpassed him in a lot of aspects!! 😂😂


  110. Miss Ruby,
    Thank you very much for this wonderful novel. I’ve been reading this novel since last year and catched up to the side stories. I wanted to binged read it all so… I only just noticed that you already finished it all… It’s bee a wild ride reading (I was crying the whole time reading the side stories)… This has been one of my favorites and its finished….I’ll be reading on the other novel as well though 😀

  111. well although I know the story is completed I want it to continue. and I am also curious about damian and ted . is there another arc to it or different story about it , I am really……. curious.

  112. Thank you author and the translating team. The author for producing such high quality story, and Ms. Ruby’s translating team for bringing such work to the general public and for the high quality translation. This novel made me feel so emotional. This deserves more recognition! I love this so much and I’m just thankful I got the opportunity to read this.

    1. I’m the only translator, no team but thank you 😭😭😭. (PS: I had an reader who offered to edit so he functioned as my editor for a huge chunk of the last 2 or so volumes)

  113. thankyou so much for the translation! this brought me such a rollercoaster of emotions🥺🤧 i read the story for about two days non stop🤣

  114. I was writing a hugh thank you. But it crashed and all my feelings and efforts I put in the text to thank you were gone.
    So I just simply want to say thank you for all your hard work. It isn’t easy to translate a novel and to preserve the meaning and feelings. To show the characters in the light the author wanted them to shine.
    I think you did really great and I am so so grateful, that you shared this wonderful story with us. I was giggeling, smiling, full of fear and sometimes I cried. So many emotions were in this story and I’m thankful, that I was able to sink into it.
    It’s hard to let this story go, but the side stories were a great help to say goodbye.
    I did read the story for quite some time. And even to read the comments behind each chapter was also fun.
    So thanks to the author for creating this great story. Thank you Miss Ruby for the translation. And thank you to the persons that helped Miss Ruby out.
    I hope you all stay healthy in the time of Corona!

    1. Thank you so much. Personally, I think this is already huge, I can’t imagine it bigger. I really loved translating the novel and I enjoyed sharing my love for the novel so when I see that people enjoyed it as much as I did, it makes me happy.

      1. Hi Im sorry Im replying under this comment because I’m new and I dont know where I can post a comment haha. I just wanna ask if Lucia has part two or something? Like about Demien and Ted. I don’t think they talk about who Ted is and what happened to her. I’m just curious if Damien has his own story?

        Also Thank you so much for translating this💕, I’ve been crying because of the last side story ahaha and because it ended💔 this was such a great story and I cannot move on from it ending 😭

  115. I was hooked.
    Thank you so much for this translation. 4 days I spent reading with very little sleep because I needed to know what happened next, and while dealing with 4 children the youngest (almost 3) is actually named evangeline.
    One of the best procrastinating sessions I’ve had 😁 (uni assessments and housework overdue)

    And the happy ending ♥️☺️ I just wish there was a side story about Damian’s gf, and the mugwort issue (for a little while there I honestly thought that perhaps they would confide in the king, or something, but I suppose Eve getting married and having children could be the duke’s heir.)

  116. I am one of those people who started reading Lucia in the manhwa and since it’s not yet finished, it was always a cliffhanger for me. I want to know how the story will progress. How will Lucia and Hugo fall in love and so on. Luckily, I saw your page and I spent most of my time reading the novel. Thank you Ms. Ruby for your effort in translating the novel! It was wonderfully translated. All the feelings in the story sinked in that my heart hurts sometimes even the fluff and the other things. Haha! My quarantine time has become so satisfying. I will read your other translations as well. Thank you again and stay safe! ❤

  117. Je ne suis pas une personne qui aime lire des romans, en gros c’est une 1 ère, grâce à vous j’ai pris plaisir à le dévorer avec de telles émotions…. Parfois je pleurais, je riais….
    Est-ce donc cela un roman d’amour??? Cette histoire a beaucoup touché mon coeur et je vous en suis tellement reconnaissante.
    Mlle Ruby MERCI beaucoup pour votre travail, au plaisir de vous lire….

  118. I’ve devoured the whole thing in less than a week..
    My soul is empty now xD

    Thank you so much Ruby Sama that was the best web novel I’ve ever read…tho it is my firs but.. u know 🙂

    I don’t think I will ever get the same feeling toward any other web novel I read in future :””)

    Thank you sooo much

  119. i decided to wait a while before coming back to finish this and oh ky gosh, thank you so kuch ms ruby for translating this novel so wonderfully. it’s so good despite all the smut and steamy moments xD. Quite an akazing feat honestly so thank you ^O^ 💕 💕 👏

  120. Thank you so much for these translation (and your translations are the best I’ve read, even in your early chapters!). I thoroughly enjoyed reading Lucia and love your current work!

  121. Hi, ^^ I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your hard work in translating this novel! It was a wonderful read and your translational ability is incredible.

  122. Oh My… I started to read Lucia’s webtoon the last week, and there was a lot of people writing in the comment section about the novel and this website… And goooooshhh I just did live for this all this days. It was just perfect! I laughed, cried, screamed and more with this beautiful novel. Thank you so much Miss Ruby for the translation of ever single chapter that I’ve readed.

    I feel so emotional right now.
    We are in the middle of this Pandemia and this was the perfect way to feel accompanied (living alone this days because the Pandemia). I did read every side note and comment. I did feel that this was like a family-friend group (I laughed so hard with all those theories about the characters and the interactions between them, or just the comments about the hot relationship between Lucia and the Duke hahaha).

    Thank you again Miss Ruby, I’ll never forget this novel, it will always have a place in my ❤️.

    I’ll check the other project too!

  123. Hi Miss Ruby, thank you so much for translating this amazing novel, because of your work, right now I really become obsessed with a lot of others translating korean novel, actually I follow this novel since at the end 2018, but I had to stop it around nov 2019 because I have to focusing my study then started to read little by little to finishing it, and today finally I managed it, and now I cry like a child after reading this masterpiece that involve a lot of emotions, I just wanna say thanks again Miss Ruby, May god bless you and your family

  124. I just finished reading everything. Thank you so much for translating. I cried a lot, fell in love, laughed, and got angry. I felt a lot of emotions while reading. I’m gonna miss spending my time reading lucia that I can feel my heart breaking while typing this comment right now.

    p.s. I’ll be brazen and ask if you could translate another korean light novel. It’s called “The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess”. I read its manhwa and so far it’s good. Once again, thank you so much for translating Lucia. ❤️

  125. Thank you so much for your hard work, this is one very good book,loved every part of it, and now cryed so much. Hoping for more side stories,but seems I’ll just go read it again 🙂 thank you

  126. Dear Ms Ruby,
    A huge « thank you » for your work on this novel.
    I’ve read it again and again since the last 12 months. It must be the 4th or 5th time reading it.
    Today, It’s a good distraction from the covid19 pandemic, the confinement (haven’t left the house since March 13th).
    Thank you,

  127. I had come here for YGTWHV and was smitten with your translations and magnificent way of writing. I know it sounds overly exaggerated but I think that was still not enough for me to express my gratitude and awe towards you Miss Ruby. I had never felt so alive and absorbed by a novel before. I know the true writer also deserve the praise but you had made it much more colourful and it felt like I was living in ‘Lucia’ world for the time I start to read it and till the end. It took me awhile to adjust to the reality that Lucia was only a story. It is truly amazing of an experience. I wish I could just live and watch over every character novels that you translate and write. You made them real despite the fact that they are only a fantasy. I am truly in love with it. Please, dont ever stop translating and bring the characters alive. I wish I could write more but it’ll be too lonng, I could even make a novel of how much I am in love with your translations. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart,

    Your Fan

  128. Ruby-sama thank you so much for all your hard work, dedication and commitment in translating this lovely novel, it was truly a joy to read. In the end, I was able to get over the seemingly rushed resolution to Philip’s threat, since the succeeding side-stories extended way beyond the epilogue and provided so much uwuus that it hurts to have come this far and finally get some sleep hopefully….nvm damien’s mysterious love affair which maybe the original author will write a sequel to someday if it isn’t in the works already, I can only hope… but the only thing that bothers me which I waited until the very end to know was whatever happened to Norman’s house that she put in Lucia’s name?! There was no mention of her actually renting it out which is such a shame as that house would have been the only asset to her name which was truly hers, I feel like the author forgot to wrap it up cos what even was the point of mentioning her re-visiting it the last time if she wasn’t going to put it up on the market or make use of it just because she was set up for life as the duchess…it was a gift from Norman so I feel like it deserved a little more afterthought than that. Oh well. For something labeled under “smut”, the story really exceeded my expectations beautifully, the depth and character development of even the minor side characters was so fluffy. Again thank you so much!

  129. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication on translating this novel. I trully love this novel. I hope you will continue to translate other great novels. Thank you! I’m grateful.

  130. Thank you very much!
    Your translation was understandable! As for me it is important – even russian girl can understand and feel what heroes did!!!

  131. Like many others, I came here after reading and loving the manwha. Thank you for your hard work translating this webnovel! It’s been a wild ride reading it over a week. I can only imagine what it was like translating for about a year. You definitely grew better as the novel progressed but always did an amazing job. ❤❤❤

  132. …. ♥️♥️♥️
    Words can’t describe how I’m immensely grateful to you miss Ruby,
    I really took my time reading your translations( nearly 8 months now ). I wanted to relish and preserve every chapter in my heart. ( i could easily binge read this in 3 days but it would be such a shame to not enjoy your fine work slowly)

    Thank you for the unforgettable wonderful ride you translated. You made me find a person to look up to and actually change myself for the better. Lucia was such gem of a novel and an excellent example of an aspire to be person.

    Really, thank you again for everything miss Ruby😊♥️

  133. Thank you so much! I didn’t think you were bad at all. From beginning til end, thank you for your hard work! I thoroughly enjoyed this series.

  134. <3 Bless your eternal soul thank you for translating I had so much fun blazing through all the chapters that you worked hard on! Thank you again and again and again!

  135. This is my first comment as I picked up this story and could not stop reading for the last 4 days (great lockdown pass time). It’s my first time reading a k-novel, and I want to thank you with all my heart for translating and giving all of us access to this amazing piece of work! 💓💓💓
    Thank you so much for your hard work!! Even your comments at the beginning/ end- it was really an experience I want to relive like I was reading it for the first time again ☺️
    You’ve gained a new fan so I’ll be there to support your next project! Hope all is well and that you’re safe!

  136. Wow, thank you so much for all the time and hard work you’ve put into translating for everyone to read. I don’t usually comment, but I felt that I had to express my thanks to you.
    Hope you have a great day.

  137. Hello. ^_^ I would like to express my gratefulness for your hard work on translating this, Thank you very much ^ v ^

  138. I don’t know how to react now that it’s over but thank you so much for translating that way people like me could read it in the future. I really really appreciate it

  139. Thank you so much for the translating!!!
    Argh, I could have read at least twice as much, the story could have gone on forever and I would still love it.
    Also, what would happen to Damien?? Would he still die in a barbarian ambush??? And I wished we would see Hugo tell Damien about their family’s history, but alas, we can only hope for another side-story if the author ever wants to revisit their work.
    Thank you again!

  140. I can’t believed I cried at the end. I hope Cael got to watch baby Evangeline be reborn and be happy. (Wow I’m tearing up again! What?!) What a way to end the story, it was heartbreaking yet hopeful. I’m really glad the author gave us so much back story/epilogues. Most authors stop as soon as the baby is born or right when the ML and MC get together. It leaves you unsatisfied, you just sit there wondering how the 2 of them are getting along. You can feel robbed not getting to see the 2 people you have been waiting to get together be together. It was great seeing Hugh and Vivian (Lucia) as a couple. It was nice having so much fluff and seeing Lucia become Mother to so many children. (DAFAQ is wrong with me I’m tearing up again). This novel was a really different read from a lot of other light novels. Thinking back on it, there wasn’t an over arcing plot in story. Which is NOT a negative! The author just embraced the fact that her story was about romance. It really was just a story about 2 people’s lives and how they impacted people. The Author didn’t feel the need to have them find the King’s would be assassin or save the world. Just 2 interesting people becoming more and more fluffy, AND making other people they come in contact with feel fluffy. (Yes I am including Hugh. He amplifies Lucia’s fluff powers by x100 causing a devastating outcome for all.) And man was that smut great! Woo… *fanning self*
    I have a few criticisms though. Some things seemed a little contrived and unnecessary. Like the repeating talk about illegitimate children and affairs. The author kept saying how conservative Xenon is…. but honey I don’t think it is. People allowed to have affairs left and right. And those illegitimate children that are allowed as family member’s? For a “European-esque” royal society that is very liberal.
    Also that incident with the countess, I feel like the rumors wouldn’t have been that bad for Lucia. Infact I think people would’ve been very sympathetic towards her. They really could’ve spun the story to make the countess look horrible. David could’ve been dealt with. I don’t really buy the whole he had to kill them. It really didn’t make sense.
    She seemed to leave some things open or some loose ends. With so many other side stories it seemed incomplete to leave stuff out. First: I need to know more about Hugh’s alternate wife. Like I was waiting for that little side story. I’m so curious about it.
    Did Lucia tell her dream to Hugh yet? Or was that just implied?
    Did I miss what was happening with Ted? That girl who Hana-kimi’ed her way into Daimen’s heart? I wanted to know about that amazing girl. I probably missed it while I was reading, can’t wait to start re-reading it.
    I feel like the author will eventually go back to this story though. You can really tell she had fun writing it.
    (Sorry for the Essay)
    AND for Miss Ruby.
    Thank you for all your hard work. You do a really great job translating. Thank you for sticking with it and not taking on other projects and letting this one die. Also thank you for the Brackets () indicating who is speaking. It was really helpful. I look forward to reading your other translations.

  141. thank you so much for translating.
    i pass 2 days reading without pose. it was sad joyful hilarious but so great
    the final story i pass my time crying it was so sad;
    i was just sorry their wasn’t a pov Hugh.
    thanks you

  142. What a ride! Waahh! Thank you Miss Ruby for sticking with and translating this wonderful story of Lucia! 💕 had fun devouring this for 4 days while on community quarantine.

    I just wished the author extended some parts and answered some of the things like…
    – Does Lucia tell Hugh about them ending up together in the alternate dream future?
    – Will Damian meet Ted again and will they end up together?
    – Who will Evangeline end up with? Hehe
    – Where is Chris?
    – I wanna see Roy’s love story too, I think it’ll be interesting
    – I wanted another Taran lil baby tooo

  143. Thank you miss Ruby for the translations 💖💓
    I guess until the end Hugh never heard Lucia’s childhood name from her lips huh

  144. Thank you very very much for translating this!! It was an amazing story that brought tears to my eyes haha. You’re awesome for putting the time and energy into this 🙂 thanks again!

  145. Thank you for all your hard work in translating and editing this. I loved the story and all the characters. It was very well written and your translation was good and I could understand the story and flow very well. I know you mentioned that it has already gone through multiple edits, so I had the benefit of reading after all the edits have already been made thus far, but it was still good that you kept going and have come to a point where only minor edits may be needed but not necessary to enjoy the story.

  146. Thanks for the hardwork translator-nim, editor-nim! *patpat* Don’t be too hard on yourself, you did really well translating it to english, even the early chapters. They’re easy-to-read and draw me deep into it 😊
    Like seriously, this series is so hard to put-down (yes, I devoured this in 4days).
    Now I think it’s gonna be hard to enjoy another read for me to move on to *sigh* (any suggestion?)

  147. This had me crying all the chapter 😭😭💕. Thank you so much for taking your time in translating this amazing novel. It was incredible reading this, specially the extras, cuz I read the novel last year and left it there because extras weren’t translated yet. And today, I by chance, came again to your page and found this. So, it was very nostalgic. Again, thank you for your hard work. This novel will be in my heart 💕

  148. Never in my life that I’ve felt so grateful that I learned English as my second language (now i want to study Korean as well!). Your translation is excellent and I truly love the story. Reading the story, I can imagine a world where there are different people with different lives tangle together. This story, Lucia and Hugh will never get out of my head for a very long time. Again, thank you so much!

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful translation! You are a very insightful translator and really capture the heart and soul of the characters and stories. I also really appreciated all of the translator notes. Thank you again!

  149. Thank you so much.

    Thank you for your hard work.

    I really love this story. I couldn’t believe it’s the end. I wish there is Damian and eve love story.

    Thank you so much

  150. Thank you so much for your awesome translation on this beautiful story, Miss Ruby….🥰🥰🥰
    It’s so awesome that makes me crave for more translation of yours 😁
    So…next I’d want to read YGTWHV, of course.
    Once again, thank youuuu…

  151. Thank you so very much for the translation! I’m not that fluent in English, let alone Korean. But your translation is very easy to understand, and I like it so very much🤧🤧
    Thanks for your hardwork. Many of us feel grateful for you❤️
    Once again, thank you very much!🤧😭❤️

  152. Hello I am from Argentina. I wanted to ask, could I use your translation to translate into Spanish? I use GoogleTranslator, because I am bad at writing in English, but since extras 4, 5, 6 and 7 are not achieved, I wanted to translate and share them (of course I would put your credits and a link so that they come here to read the English version) I am not going to earn money from this, but since I tried to translate it I wanted to share it, and I will not do it without your permission first.

    Thank you so much.
    Sorry if you don’t understand, my English is bad.

  153. Oh my Gosh I spent a week engrossed with this novel! What a ride!! Thank you so much miss Ruby for the translation. Def gonna read your next translation, the premise is really caught my interest.

  154. i spent a week to finish read this novel. I really love this novel !!! althought i still sad that damian had died :(.
    Thank you miss ruby to translate this novel!!!!

  155. Thank you Miss Ruby! I appreciate your dedicated translations! I discovered the webtoon to this story and I am so grateful that you translated the rest of the story! I couldn’t stop reading on my phone because it was not available for purchase through my eReader. Your work is great. Thank you for taking the time to tell this story to us ♡

  156. This was a very heartwarming and humane story…the reality overlapped with dream …it was like a ride of a generation. Each person in this story was so unique and different,made me think many times about the emotions plus your translation quality was the only reason I could enjoy♥️♥️ the intimate scenes with different vocabulary each time was different, so It was not at all boring. I admire your translation skills and English really!!💌I really wish to be able to use such beautiful words like you ,and to write many stories (only with words do the imagination works,ya?)😁
    So, in short -I fucking love this story ,I read within 2days, I was literally crying at sad scenes ,but I was also surprised the development of the was much like magic,this was my first time that was enough to keep intrigued and even though in dream it was sad, the reality was better,still I felt the dream was a little bit sadder -daiman and hugh(I mean it felt so real💔)…what all they had to go through… Lucia (or should I call Vivian?) and nearly every characters I loved very much except the crown prince(I dunno y though 😂).
    Thank you so muchh and luv you dear Ruby 💫

    1. This was my first experience moving from the webtoon to the translated novel. Thanks so much for making it a great one. I am a loyal fan so any work you do I will read!

      1. Same here!

        My only frustrations are not knowing what happened to Chris. Thought he would have a larger role. And of course Roy and his son’s story.

  157. Damn this was one hell of a ride. I lowkey loved the story and the plot was *chefkiss* I read this within a week and now I finally completed it and now I feel empty. Thanksu for the translations. Without it, a lot of people wouldn’t have read it. It is such a masterpiece.

  158. I would like to present my sincere gratitude to Miss Ruby for translating this novel.

    Im very pleased with the happy ending. However, just a personal rant that a good portion of the side stories seems to lose priority. I am quite dissapointed that the author went to lengths to describe the ancestors’ story and the alternate reality. Id much rather want to know the details of the MAIN reality. Especially since the author put in quite a lot of new plot points like Roy’s family or Damien’s love interest, etc. This has got to be the most open-ended side stories I have ever seen 😓

  159. Wow, this was one hell of a ride. An extremely enjoyable experience, thank you so much for your hard work in translating the book so beautifully. This took me 3 days to read and I couldn’t have found a better time to find this novel as it’s summer break and quarantine. I hope someday in the future I’ll remember this and re-read it.

  160. This story was one hell of a ride. The love story between Lucia and Hugh was amazing. Although sometimes I wanted to hop in the novel and yell at the to clear up their silly misunderstandings. Your translations were some of the best I have read in a translated novel. Your translator corner comments were funny as well. These side stories made me very happy Lucia became the duchess. She had saves the lives of so many people. This story will forever be in my heart. I had originally came here because of the manhua, but I started to fall in love with the plot. And the hot and heavy scenes were a little embarrassing to read, but you translated them well. Thank you so much Miss Ruby for translating this!

  161. Thanks for the translations! Agree with above comments that this is one of the best translated novels I’ve read. Thanks for sharing this wonderful novel that I would otherwise not be able to enjoy in Korean. Keep up the good work

  162. Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I’m done! I feel like an orphan now … I even rolled up a whole month when I got to chapter 120!
    I will miss this incredible romance so much, now I have to read the weebton. Thank you for translating this wonderful work, Ruby!

  163. It was one hell of a ride! It’s been a while since I’ve binged on reading like this. My first Korean novel and I fell in love. Thank you for the translation, thank you for the notes and the interaction with us, it made the whole experience much more enjoyable!

  164. Oh my god! I skipped some of my sleep time just to finish this and it’s been an awesome read! Thank you so much Ms. Ruby for translating this. I will go ahead and start reading your next project. I am still crying from that last side story though T.T

    1. Thank you for translating this novel. I read it without trouble and it was really smooth and enjoyable. It was my first time reading a web novel and the translation was really appreciated. I discover it by reading the webtoon and couldn’t wait to know the end of the story. Thanks to your notes, I could understand the flow of the story and things that weren’t clear if I’ve read the web novel in another website. Thank you again.

  165. Finish reading this Aug. 27, 2020. Thank you Miss Ruby for translating this great novel. I Hope you will always continue finding many great stories like this. And now I will also leave my mark in here. Good bye!

  166. Hello ruby! This is my first and probably the last time I left a comment here. I just want to say thank you so much for translating this book so that many of us could read it and felt the journey of lucia together. Translating is hard, not to mention translating whole series of books, so I’m really grateful you actually decided to share it for free for me and others to read. Again, thank you so much, it was one hell of a journey and I love every single time I spent reading this book. Parting with this series seems weird and I felt empty because I’ve spent almost a whole week reading it every day and it now comes to an end. I want to give support as much as I can so later if I have the chance and I am able to give one, I want to support you through patreons. Best of luck to you and thank you!

  167. Thank you so much for the hard work and great translations! It was very well translated and I had such a good time reading the novel. As a foreign language learner myself, I could not even have the perseverance to translate a chapter of a novel. It’s really impressive to translate full 8 books in such detail!

    It feels really empty to finish this story and I’ll definitely re-read some of my favourite chapters again. Thank you so much for making this novel available, Ms Ruby!!

  168. You’ve worked hard Miss Ruby. You’ve done an absolutely good job. 🙂

    But now, I feel so empty. Last side story made me bawl my eyes out. *sigh*. Some part of me wishes I shouldn’t have read Lucia so I can avoid this deep void dwelling in my heart but I did anyway and I feel like I’m going to die. Thanks for listening to the ramblings of a fan.

  169. Am I the one wondering the possibility that Cael might be Hugh’s ancestor? And whether Evangeline (Present) is the same as the Evangeline in the past?

  170. Thank you! Thank you for your hard work in bringing such a lovely and captivating Korean story to us, who otherwise would never have been able to read such a great writing. The translation are wonderful and love your TN and references that help so much. You are awesome!

  171. Thank you Miss Ruby for your work! This novel is so well-translated and I have no trouble reading and understanding the story. I love the story and I am sooo glad I come across this! I binged read the whole week and it was an emotional roller-coaster ride. There were clever plot twists and I love that the character’s emotions were described in detail. I feel so hard especially when reading the struggle for Lucia and Hugh to express their love to each other. So when they finally confessed to each other, I couldn’t express how happy and heartwarming that was (Okay, I know I got too immersed in the story). Anyways, I thought I would cringe at the smutty scenes (I have never read a novel with this much sex) but they were actually quite entertaining hahaha. When I finally came to the end, I felt empty (people call this book hangover I think?). Oh well, every story has an ending, but I’ll definitely revisit my favourite chapters because this story is sooo good. Thanks again and keep up the awesome work! *throwing love hearts*

  172. Thank you for your hard working, I love this novel. translation done well, I happy find this novel when it were complited. 😅 can’t waiting your another project

  173. Hi Miss Ruby!

    First of all, I would like to say thank you so much for your hardwork! 🥺 I can’t imagine how hard it was to translate this novel and then I have noticed that you updated this more than 2x per week(?)

    I started reading the manhwa last week and I really like it so I decided to join a discord group about Lucia. Thankfully someone mentioned about the novel and your translation. 💖🙏🏻

    I’m gonna miss them 😦 It took me a week to finish all of the chapters and now I can’t believe that I’m done already. Lol and i dont sleep anymore because I cant stop reading this hahaha. And noowww. 😦
    Well, I’ll probably read this again one of these days haha.

    Thank you again! And i’m looking forward to reading your other translations! 🧡🖤

    1. This was a wonderful journey which I could enjoy only thanks to you Miss Ruby. Thank you so much 🥰 Now I don’t think I will be able to sleep these following days because I just can’t wait to read your next ongoing translation 😆. I wish for you to always be healthy Miss Ruby.

  174. Thank you Miss Ruby.
    I really loved the book it’s not a book I will be forgetting anytime soon. I literally finished it in 3 days. Your translation was superb and a big part of my being able to enjoy the book.

  175. I just started last Monday and just finished this Monday. Whats a week~ Thank you so much Ruby-san. It’s so heartwarming. Feels the up & down from the story, i love so much this novel (story) and your hardworking. The translation just superb~ Will be missing so much Vivian, Hugo, Damian, Evangeline, Bruno, Chris, Jerome, Fabian etc. 🙁 But still, looking forward your other works. Keep fighting and stay healthy! ^^

  176. This is the first time I’m ever leaving a comment but it’s worth it.Thankyou a lot MISS RUBY for translating this wonderful story.It was my first time reading a korean novel n I’m in love with its plot n characters. Completed in 4 days.n now I’m sad that it is overr. Once again thanks miss ruby.Your translation was superb

  177. Miss ruby thank you so much for picking up this novel to be translated. It was so far the most beautifully translated korean novel that is easy to read and understand. I’ll read another novel that you translated, thank you so much and fighting! Hope you healthy and have a good life 💖

  178. Thank you so much for this wonderful translation Ms. Ruby. I had fallen in love with the story of Hugo and Lucia, and the Author had really not disappoint. He/She delivered much much more, and for the novel to finally come to an end is bringing me so much happiness and sadness at the same time. Happy because the the journey from the beginning to the end to the past, has all been very wondrous, and sad because it is now the end, no more Hugo and Lucia, if I can erase my memory, and relieve once again the emotions that I had felt reading this novel, I really would. I would over and over again. This was the first novel-turned-webtoon that I have read, and I honestly did not have that high of a expectation at the beginning from just reading words. But your work has been really fun and wonderful. You had translated the novel while still maintaining its beauty. Your translators note are also something to look forward for, they were funny, helpful, and knowledgeable. I am going to check out your other translated work “You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain”. I hope that that novel would also become special for me.

  179. Hi, i finally managed to finish this novel thanks to you miss ruby. No word can thank you enough for your effort. I love that you’re very detailed with your translation with the note and more. I had a very good time and i look forward to read more translated novel from you hehe ❤
    Once again thanks 🙆❤

  180. This is loved. I jusr wish we can get to have Damian’s and Eve life story esp love story. Kudos to the writings! Overall, i love that it has great smut scene but never leave the beauty of plot and story line. No unnecessary pov’s as all were shifted to have great importance without you getting bored for being repetitive or somethin. The last ss (cael and eve) leave me with ambigous feelings tho. The feeling that it has allot of room for more interesting sub stories. I love you author. Salute ❤💋

  181. This was a beautiful story, couldn’t stop reading whenever I had a free moment for 3 days. Thank you so much for translating it Miss Ruby, you did a wonderful job ! ^^
    Seeing the quality of your work I will gladly jump onto the next one, “You’ve Got the Wrong House, Villain” here I come !

    10/10 will read it again ❤

  182. Great job !! Gaaadd after being hooked reading the manhwa , greatful reading comments and saw link to the novel completed.. i spent nights reading it and got more hooked ! I just love the duke falling crazy in love with Lucia..❤️❤️❤️❤️ Much love from PH

  183. Okay, lemme just tell you, I’m an English Major who HATES to read. Ironic, I know. I don’t like reading long stories….

    I READ LUCIA IN A WEEK, (on/off cause I had assignments). I HAVE NEVER VOLUNTARILY GONE OUT OF MY WAY TO READ SOMETHING. That was absolutely amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed all of the characters and hold each and every one of them in my heart. Hopefully the webtoon does continue because I really want to see my baby Damian.

    In my heart, I genuinely hope that Damian finds Ted and lives out a romance akin to his parents; I hope that Damian, Chris, and Bruno stay close friends and confidantes. As for Eve and Bruno… errrr IDK, I mean I think their relationship right now is sweet, but I think if she were 15 years older, then maybe? But MOST IMPORTANTLY, I hope that Hugh and Lucia will continue to live happily and as in love as they have always been.

    Thank you for translating such a wonderful story with such eloquence and dedication. I’m dreading pressing the “The End” button.

  184. Re-reading for the second time, still equally good! The first time I read it I couldn’t put it down and devoured it in 3-4 days. No chapter was wasted, each event was meaningful. The relationships we’re beautiful. Plenty of side stories to explain things in the end (however I hope the author will come out with a Damien/Ted sequel). I laughed and cried while reading this. Great job with translations too! Just so much love for this novel. Thanks so much for sharing your translations!

  185. 3 days and 2 sleepless night just to finish this novel… so worth it… 😭 I’m so glad that Evangeline and Cael end up together as Lucia and Hugh… 😭😭😭

  186. This was a wonderful journey which I could enjoy only thanks to you Miss Ruby. Thank you so much 🥰 Now I don’t think I will be able to sleep these following days because I just can’t wait to read your ongoing translation 😆. Stay healthy Miss Ruby.😘😘😘

  187. Read it on 2021 – thanks for the wonderful effort in translating this.

    Got intrigued with Webtoon and could not wait to know the ending, that’s why I am here! Thank you Miss Ruby for translating this novel and the lovely community here who shares the same love in this novel. Wish you all can meet a partner like Hugh/Lucia!

    J xxx

  188. I read this after reading the manwha because i got impatient with waiting for updates and happy to say it did not disappoint. I don’t know how many times i laughed out loud and teared up, also considering i binged read this in 2 days and 1 night, i’m pretty sure my SO thinks I’m insane. Lucia is cute, my only wish was I hoped that Hugh called Lucia another petnames, other than Vivian, but then again I guess Hugh and Vivian is their special names towards each other.

  189. I loved this story! Thank you for translating. My only question is….whAT HAPPENED TO TED (Damian’s gf from the Academy) wE NEVER FOUND OUT!!!!

  190. Thank you so much!!

    I saw the webtoon and got addicted to reading this and finished it all within 3 days…

    I will miss this story… I wish we got a little bit more about Roy and Damian haha but I was very happy with the story overall, thank you so much for translating!

  191. I’m so glad I found your website! Thank you so much for wonderfully translating this beautiful novel! I really enjoyed this and bingeread it for days. I enjoyed the side stories as much as a main story. Will there be no spin off series for the kids? Would have been nice to see their stories as grown ups. Really loved how Lucia pretty much collected wonderful and appreciative kids. It was heartwarming when even Bruno calls her mother. Wonder if Chris does too since he likes her more than his mother. Curious about Ted. Why she disguised herself. Was the academy only exclusive for boys? Can’t remember. The author has to make a follow up series or it would be a great shame to miss all their stories. Even Roy’s love story I’d love to read! That archmage and the old Evangeline’s story made me cry. That was really heartbreaking.

  192. I just want to utter my gratitude for translating this wonderful novel. It most likely was not easy and done from free will, that is why I thank you Miss Ruby for allowing me to read this wonderful piece.

  193. Thank you so much for translating such a wonderful work. I’ve binge reading it in one day!

    As the novel is great, your translation is too. Now i will go on binge reading your other works when my eyes have enough rest😂.

  194. thank u for translating this miss ruby and thank you also to shadowdog for being an editor. this novel was beautiful and nicely translated. 😭🤍

    this is definitely one of my favourite novels ever!!

    1. and im crying because this ended and also the fact that we didn’t have a side story for damian and ted😭 i was hoping for one but nonetheless, still grateful for the authors and translators!!

    Thank you so much for translating this book 😭😭😭 you are so kind
    Now iam feeling empty, iam sad this book ending, i want more 😭😭😭😭😭

  196. a teary college student

    I binged 100 chapters over the past 3 days and now I feel empty. When I think about it, I’ve never finished any of the light novels I’ve read. I’m glad that this was completed, but I also wish there was more. Seeing the characters grow old like that has strangely made me very conscious of my own mortality. I imagine Lucia and Hugh dying, peacefully, but dying nonetheless and now im crying thinking about it. I didn’t expect such a touching story from a smht novel. it’s kind of funny. Lucia will always have a special place in my heart…Thank you again Ruby for all your amazing work. I don’t think I can read any other types of isekai stories after this. Nothing compares to this story or to your translations.

  197. And I’m done, i’m so sad. Thank you very much Miss Ruby for this wonderful translation 😭 This story is so good, I’m gonna miss all of them (omg my heart is sinking).
    And I just wanna say, the last side story broke my heart 😭
    Anyway, thank you again for sharing and doing the best in sharing their journey.

    Ugh 😭 i really feel so empty.

    P.S. Does Damian have his own story? Thanks

  198. Thank you so much for translating and posting this wonderful story! I’m so glad they had so many side stories and even the other life stories- answered so many questions and was a great glimpse into different things.
    Thank you!!!

  199. Thank you so much. I really enjoyed this story so much. More than the smut, I love the plot and the characters. I wish there are more side stories showing the love stories of he side characters esp Damian’s.

  200. Thank you for everything, I loved the novel, your translation and your comments. I definetely see myself coming again to re-read Lucia in a future. Hugs and kisses!

  201. I have no words to describe my gratitude, thanks for translating Lucia, Ruby.

    I spent a whole week entertained and absorbed in this story, my feelings went from ten to a thousand, my emotions bubbled up. I’m so sad and happy, sad that the story is over, but happy for the characters to end, I’m glad Lucia chose to change her future. I’m glad Hugh opened his heart, and that most were happy.


  202. Firstly this chapter just grip my heart and my eyes just can’t stop from crying from this tragic ending
    Secondly Miss ruby YOU.ARE.AWESOME. I am so thankful and grateful that you translated this novel it made my heart so happy.

  203. First of all, again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to translate and share this wonderful novel to the world, Ruby-nim. You are awesome!

    I honestly came here because of the webtoon. I really loved the webtoon! But since it’s ongoinand everyone was bablin about the novel, I came here. I read the webtoon and novel simultaneously, for comparison.

    The novel is really wonderfully written (and translated). I hope the webtoon wouldn’t disappoint in the future once it finishes.

    I just want to express my disappointment with regards to Damien. I’ve come to love this child the first time he was mentioned both in the webtoon and novel. I developed a motherly affection towards this child. I feel like he didn’t have enough screen time. Even towards the end, it feels like it was not enough. Talk aboit my obsession with Damien. Hahahahaha.

    I cried buckets reading the alternate future of Damien. He didn’t deserve the way he died. And yet, it feels like his life is still incomplete with how the novel ended. I mean, yes, he’s happy, but I really feel like he deserved more. (LOL. I sound like a crazy mother hen. Hahahahaha)

    I wish author decide to write a novel about Damien.

    And hell yeah, Lucia and Hugo were perfect for each other. I’m so happy they both found each other both in the dreams and in reality.

    Ughhhh… I’m gonna have serious post-reading withdrawal symptoms again, for God-knows how long. Such a beautiful, unforgettable story this was.

  204. It was the most and magnificent story ever, it’s my first time finishing a Korean novel, so “Lucia” will always be at the bottom of my heart, thank you so much, Miss Ruby, without you we would have never read such an amazing story, hope you healthy and have a good life!

  205. I enjoy my days reading this one. I finished both of your completed novels (my habit, I don’t wanna wait, always read whatever completed)

    I refrain myself on this one because of the smut. But what the hay, I thought to myself, I would just skip all those parts!

    As it turns out I am glad I had made a good choice.. yes I skipped most of the smut part (sorry ruby you spent so much time on it) the story lines and MC/ML characters are very nice.

    I’ll wait until your third is done before reading it. I would love to spend some time to tell you how much I appreciate your work here.. very nice job

  206. Read this wholesome novel twice. And might be back to re read sometime later.

    By the way i think Cael is one of Taran bloodline, since i remember seeing that pureblood taran have black haie and black eyes, and only them have magic ability. But they all are killed when magic suddenly dissapear from this world. Only mixed blood have red eyes. Only mixed blood survive the killing since they were abandoned by the pureblooded because they were considered dirty. They then build the Taran Family. I think i saw it on webtoon, but correct me if I am Wrong.

    I was here after reading the webtoon version, specifically after the tea party scene where huga in state of panic after he realize Jerome give Lucia flower as a gift of her first tea party. I really like the angst when hugo start to regret his decision about the contract. And i knew the novel will be angstier than the novel, and i was not dissapointed. As a person who fear of rejection and losing someone, i really feel the angst when Lucia and Hugo struggled with their feeling. The great translation also helps the feeling conveyed well. Thank you Mary!

    Still sad we did not get to see Damian and his crossdresser lover, and chris suddenly missing in the last part. I really like the theory from one of the reader where Chris is traveling to searching Damian beloved. I hope it will be another novel by the author. We can only hope 🤭

  207. Many many thanks to your wonderful work, ruby
    i love your translation that is very clear and enjoyable
    LUCIA is a very good and brilliant novel!!
    i think i can’t move on
    so far the novel is really great as viridescent crown
    ow my god, tears start running..

  208. I’m rather late to the party but I would also like to leave my thanks here for this incredible translation.
    I came here because of Forget my Husband but ended up binge reading your other translations… You really did such a great job with this, thanks!

  209. i was just reading the webtoon ver when i read that there was a novel ver of this masterpiece. i looked for it and the rest was history. thank you so much for such a wonderful translation of this novel! you did a great job and i’ll surely miss lucia 🥺💖

  210. I cried a river while reading the origin story of luchia’s family 😭 Cael and Evangeline 🤧❣️

    I really enjoyed the story! It will definitely be one of my favourite story! I wish there was a spin-off based on damien and eve’s story. But I’m happy with the ending 😊
    Thank you miss ruby for the hard work ❤️

  211. Thank you soooo much for this translation! It was an awesome ride! I’m a Spanish speaker and honestly, sometimes I have to translate some words I don’t understand but your translation was so smooth I didn’t have to. It was simply enjoyable!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I really love this novel!

  212. Hii ruby..
    Thank you for translating this novel till the end…
    I know im late for joining this party but i’ve felt grateful..
    Thank you so much..
    I hope in the manhwa will be tell who’s damian woman and who’ll be eve husband.
    Thank you so much

  213. Thank you for all your hard work ruby , I really enjoyed reading this story, but there was a part that made me regretful, and that is cael dying after Evangeline, while I was reading this final part I somehow wished that cael would stay alive and the love story that was fruitless and painful for both of them would have a happy ending with eve in future but all my hopes died in vain and only thing that was waiting at the end for them was a sad ending.

    1. But no matter what I say it doesn’t matter the story already ended and here I am writing comment about it with complicated feeling and i really don’t know if I should cry or smile.
      There was many things in the story that wasn’t completely explained and many part that was left for the imagination of the reader’s but neverless it was a great story,
      And once again thank you for this wonderful work .

  214. Eventhough this Eva didn’t get to be together with her Cael, I hope our Eva will find her Cael someday and live her happy ever after. Thank you translator and editor for your hard work

  215. Thank you very much for your hard work, Ruby. I just finish Lucia, and man it was a joy ride! (By the way, I plan not to write any comment at all since that’s my nature. hahaha. But that’s how moved I am by your hard work and dedication that made me post a comment for the first time. kekeke. Keep up the good work! Am always looking forward for Forget My Husband, I’ll Go Make Money and is one of your silent readers. :D)

  216. Masterpiece. I usually can’t read het novels bc of my own personal issues but I’m so glad I found this one. It’s a ride. Thanks for the translations. I’ll def buy you a ko-fi

  217. Muchísimas gracias por tu esfuerzo, ha sido una historia magnífica y tus traducciones de veras que ha sido muy fácil de entender y bastante buena! Te lo agradezco de corazón.

  218. Something about Cael makes me so sad, I cried reading this chapter Idk why😭
    Everyone had their happy ending and Evangline was kind of reborn, but what of Cael…it was like he was erased from history and the people who knew of him died, and even for them its like they only knew a fraction of who he was; which is really sad.
    I keep wondering what if he was a little selfish, what if he made diff choices or did he know from the start..?
    That aside, I love the translation and I love the book, thank you so much😊

  219. Thanks for the masterpiece
    This is second time reading Lucia
    And I enjoy it very much
    Thanks Ruby for translating this novel

  220. so cael is not the ancestor of Taran family, so sad cael died a virgin, wasting time ,, I feel for cael, this because evangeline do not dare to propose to her like lucia

  221. i felt bad for Cael what a waste , he did not have control of the white place why did not he release his power and live with evangeline, so bad, he is a child through and through, but cael is not Taran ancestor for sure, he died alone,

  222. Thank you for the translation
    Lucia is one of the best Romance novels i have ever read …
    And the translation was great in my opinion.

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