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YGTWHV [140]

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When life gives you lemons. You take it and give it back. Quite frankly, you never really know what life will give you eh. So our dear protagonist, Ms. Yuri, first became aware of her previous life at like 10 years old. Due to circumstances, it is too ambiguous to say that she was actually 10 but for the sake of convenience, she just took it as such. Now, to explain this matter, she has to talk about an incident that was a big turning point in her life.

On that particular day, she was caught while pick pocketing, so she was beaten within an inch of her life.

Smack~ Smack~

β€œDid you think you hit the jackpot today? You dare go through my pockets, huh?”

Her luck on that day was truly rotten.

At this point, you must be thinking β€œhuh?” this is weird. The events from last chapter aren’t continuing. Well, you are right. Perhaps some downwards scrolling will benefit you. There’s a tiny footnote at the top too. Consider clicking it.

The man smelled like good ol’ coin and because he was looking around…and imma stop here. Honestly, I copied and pasted from the first chappie and just had fun editing this.

β€œWhat is going on?!”

β€œYou have to be reading on rubymaybe!”



Anyways, the rest of the first chappie continues:

The man pushed me into the alley and rained kicks on my body.

In the slums, there were many abandoned children. And here, there were adults that made the children beg or pickpocket, instead of gathering the children together and offering them food or bedding. Skillful children in the group were sometimes given cheap snacks such as candy made from solidified sugar water.

And because the group didn’t accept girls, I hid my gender and lived there, pretending to be a boy. It was possible because I was still young, my hair had grown bushy enough to cover my face and when I wore straw drapes, my gender wasn’t very clear.


β€œPtui…! Fucking brat, getting on my nerves.”

The man spat at the side while gazing at me with merciless eyes as I groaned on the floor with my body curled up. I was famous among the children in the group for being nimble, but I was too unlucky that day.

It wasn’t the first time I was caught and beaten while pick-pocketingβ€”it had happened a lot when I first startedβ€”but this was the first time I was beaten so severely.

The man beside him clicked his tongue as if saying it was too much but he didn’t do anything else.

They left me alone in the alley and fled the scene. But still, I couldn’t help but be glad that it had ended after this much. If my luck was any worse, I might have died. The sun had already gone down so I tried to go back to my group, but I couldn’t even move a few steps before I fainted on the spot.

And when I opened my eyes again, I was sold to human traffickers.

Slavery was not illegal where I lived. Of course, it was forbidden to kidnap and sell free people, but I was from the slums and had no parents or siblings. So even if I disappeared, there was no one that would look for me. The group I was part of probably didn’t even try to find me either.

In the slums, it wasn’t uncommon for someone to suddenly disappear one day. I was one of such cases, and it seems that while I was unconscious in the alley, I was captured by nasty people and sold to slave traders.

β€œSame as before, 50 healthy ones.”

β€œAigoo, come come. I’ll pick some useful ones for you again.”

I was sold on the day I arrived at the slave market; who knew whether it was a good thing or bad. The person who bought me was a suspicious-looking individual, covered in black from head to toe.

From the husky sound of their voice, they seemed to be an older man. And judging from the subservient and flattering manner the slave trader spoke, this wasn’t the first he had bought so many slaves like this.

I was transferred onto a wagon with the other slaves this time, and we traveled for two full days before reaching our destination.

β€œWhat is this already dying thing? It’s even caked in blood?”

It was only then that my whimpering figure was discovered in the wagon.

The aftereffects of the beating in the alley had caused me to fall ill but it seemed he hadn’t known because he hadn’t checked all the slaves one by one when he bought them from the slave trader.

β€œHa. This son of a bitch. I let it pass over nicely last time and this bastard actually secretly sold me something I can’t even use again?”

The man frowned, annoyance palpable in his voice.

The man took off his hat and the face that was revealed was much older than I thought. He looked at me, obviously displeased then he clicked his tongue.

β€œTsk. Can’t do anything now.”

It was too late to start going back to the slave market now so it looked like he decided to just take me inside instead of returning me.

But it might have been better for me to have died or been abandoned that day. Why? Because the place I arrived at was a research institute, notorious even in the city of crime, Carnot, for experimenting on living people.

β€œIs this all that’s alive this time?”

I was trapped in the laboratory right away. There was a strange fishy smell in the air, and the dreary sound of people weeping could be heard from all around me.

β€œThe results have been similar so far. I don’t think this method works? From the looks of it.”

The woman there unenthusiastically answered the man’s question. Then her gaze moved and fell on me, who was hanging from the man’s side.

β€œThat aside, what’s with the little midget? Did you get deceived with your purchase again?”

β€œI did not! I picked a young one on purpose.”

It seemed to hurt the man’s pride to let anyone know that he had bought me because he was swindled by the slave trader. Acting as if he had brought me here with intention, the man ordered gravely:

β€œPut β€˜that’ in this one’s body.”

β€œWhat…are you serious?”

β€œAll this while, we’ve only tried with adults, so this time, we’ll change the method and see.”

The woman seemed reluctant at first but eventually followed the man’s orders and lay me down on an empty bed.

By that time, my whole body was burning with a high fever and my vision was a blur. The two of them were talking about something, ignoring me, but the sound of their conversation had gradually become faint. So I couldn’t really remember what had happened to me right after that.

I only knew that they had bound my wrists and ankles to the bed and stabbed my neck with something as sharp as a needle. Then I felt something burrowing into me from whatever they had stabbed me with. After that, I fainted from the terrible pain that seemed to be tearing my entire body apart.

For many days and nights, I dreamt of a group of black spiders gnawing on my body. Then around when my hazy mind began to finally focus and the spiders covering my body slowly withdrew…

I remembered the memories of my previous life.

The buried memories of my past burst forth all at once, like water from a broken dam. I was not an alone orphan like I had been till now, I could clearly remember the sweet, happy days I had spent with my family.

The idle days I spent lying on the bed, hugging my dog and reading a book borrowed from my younger sibling.[2]The time I went out with my friends after our college exams and played until it was late. Including the one late night where I was pushed into the middle of the road by a drunk person on my way back home…

I also remembered the blinding lights that swallowed me up shortly after that.

This time, I struggled within countless days in my memory, not knowing if it was a dream or a fantasy.

β€œIt succeeded…!”

And then one day, the joyous voice of a man woke me up from sleep.


[1] Lemonadeeee. Just scroll down a liiitle bit more.

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Miss Ruby
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I really surprise…..


Ooooooooooh 😳 so action packed!!!! Is Kalian a mutant or is it all his alchemy cheats???

Thanks for the chapter πŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

fool bastard

if kalian is a mutant himself, his actions thus far have been so beyond hypocritical that he would be an unredeemable character to me


Kalian being the original male lead lol
I’m still waiting for Lakis to come charging in


Thanks for the chapterrrrr! 😘😘

Putting the chapter in the comment section might be really brilliant πŸ€”πŸ‘πŸ»
(I’m not 100% sure if it’ll work, but it’s worth a shot!!)


He needs to hurry and cut those chains or Snow needs to get his butt over here right now

Mary Chen

I loved your original story hehe thank yoh for the chapter!!!


NOICE MISSRUBY! Very witty move.


I can’t help but laugh at Damon. He would be totally me during an apocalypse. He resembles a NPC that you must save in quests T^T


Waiting for Lakis appears and save the day πŸ˜„


I miss Lakis-Yuri moments…sigh but thank you for the chapter Miss Ruby


Literally I went back and did some re-reading the other day and was like Oh my god I forgot why I even came here, this is the good stuff! So they better have an incredible reunion…


So he roughly tossed Damon to the side..

It’s a pity that Damon is born maleπŸ˜‚


Lemonade goes even better with apple pies~
Thank you for the chapter!


One thing that worked for another site is they made the text an image so you can’t copy and paste it. That way, all the thieves got were the translator notes! If they manage to catch your trick, you can try this one next πŸ™‚ The only issue I could see with this is formatting on mobile vs pc, but anything is worth it to protect your hard work!

Give me money

Lols I choked on my drink laughing when Kalian tossed Damon. I’d say it was a good move. But wait till Lakis know some other man hold his woman… 🀣


Thanks for the surprise comments chapter!


I went to an aggregator cuss I was curious… And they only had lemons… Lol made a comment to link to this chapter… And aggregator doesn’t have dark mode, so I’m NEVER using it.


Since the impostor could ‘steal’ abilities wouldn’t that mean the owner of the stolen ability would lose his ability?


I thought it was uploaded on 1st April…