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Forget My Husband, I’ll Go Make Money – Side Story 3.2

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Side-story 3.2

T/N: Release #4! And we’re done. See you this weekend~

* * *

“So, you’re leaving all this work to me?”

Paellamien looked at Aristine begrudgingly.

She was being dumped in this hell of work so that they could go enjoy a sweet, lovey-dovey vacation?!

“This was originally your job anyway.”

Paellamien couldn’t say anything because it was true.

“…I have a cute husband too, you know.”

What about me?!

I want a break too!

Paellamien’s face clearly showed her longing.

“And who do you think made it possible for you to take a three-month honeymoon with that cute husband of yours?”


Paellamien had no choice but to shut her mouth.

The only reason she could take such a long leave despite her high position was entirely thanks to Aristine.

‘…And I loved it. My honeymoon was like a dream.’

Paellamien had achieved her primary goal of cooperating with Aristine.

《A man must be young! Rich! Tall! Most of all, he must be handsome!》

She ended up marrying a man who possessed all four qualities she desired.

Her husband was a younger Silvanus man.

Unlike the men of Irugo, he was delicate, gentle, and reserved, all of which she liked very much.

‘My little fawn…’

Paellamien smiled happily as she thought of her husband.

The person who had really helped her woo that little fawn was none other than Aristine, who was already married.

“Alright, alright.”

Though she pretended to nod reluctantly, Paellamien had no intention of refusing from the start.

She owed Aristine too much. She had lived a life of submission, constantly kneeling to avoid falling out of favor with the queen.

That life had completely changed.

Paellamien no longer needed to hide her talents or suppress her will.

It was all thanks to Aristine.

‘Besides, I also think Rineh really needs a break.’

Aristine and Tarkan were competent rulers.

Merging two powerful nations was not just a matter of fusing cultures.

There were numerous administrative and legislative issues, and the smooth handling of these was entirely due to the two emperors.

‘The Monarch’s Sight is really something.’

There was truly something special about the emperor chosen by the God.

‘And without a vacation like this, she’s the type who won’t even think of taking a break.’

Aristine was the type who would think, ‘Oh, there’s so much work’, then she would go find more work to do.

Even Asena, who Paellamien had met on her way here, had complained, “I don’t even know when she goes home anymore!”

‘Maybe she’s haunted by a ghost whose business failed?’

Not knowing what Paellamien was thinking, Aristine saw the sad look on Paellamien’s face and spoke up.

“Don’t be too upset. This is also partly for inspection purposes.”

‘Is she really possessed by a workaholic ghost?’

To add work to a hard-earned vacation.

Paellamien’s expression became odd.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Does His Majesty Tarkan know about that?”

Aristine tilted her head as if wondering why she was even asking.

“I haven’t told him explicitly, but I’m sure Khan knows, no?”

“…I doubt he does.”

“We’ll be gone for quite a few days so isn’t it only natural to conduct inspections as well, right?”


Tarkan, you poor bastard.

For the first time, Paellamien sincerely sympathized with her obnoxious half-brother.

* * *

“Your Majesty!”

Aristine turned at the loud voice calling her.

Mukali was running toward her with a bright smile. He looked like a moving mountain.

“General Mukali?”

Aristine tilted her head in wonder.

‘Is he here to see me off?’

Aristine was preparing to leave the imperial palace. Once Tarkan arrived, they planned to say their final goodbyes to Actsion then head out.

Aristine looked down and noticed that the sword on Mukali’s waist was different from usual.

“What’s with that sword?”

“Haha! You noticed already? As expected of Your Majesty! It’s a sword I made with Ritlen and what do you know! We finished it yesterday!”

Even after Aristine became Emperor, Mukali spoke to her as casually as before in private.

Because Aristine wanted it that way.

“Oh! Show me!”

Aristine’s eyes began to twinkle.

“Do you even need to ask?! Who else would I show it to if not you, Your Majesty?”

Mukali proudly took out his sword and swung it. Just like he did the first time he met Aristine a long time ago.


The sword, taller than Aristine herself, created a powerful gust as it met Mukali’s strength.

‘Oh no!’

Mukali realized his mistake too late. Her Majesty was about to be turned into a shaggy dog by the wind.

He remembered how the wind pressure had disheveled Aristine before and he started to panic. Right at that moment…

“Be careful.”

A large hand pulled Aristine by the waist.

Thanks to that, Aristine was able to avoid the pressured wind.


Mukali looked at Tarkan, dripping with cold sweat.

Sure enough, those golden eyes were glaring sharply at him.

‘I-I might be running a hundred laps around the training field…’

Right then, Aristine looked up at Tarkan.

“Khan, you’re here?”

Her voice was filled with joy.

The dangerous look in Tarkan’s eyes instantly softened into sunshine as he gazed at his wife.

Then he gave her a soft kiss on her round forehead.

Seeing that Tarkan was now completely focused on Aristine, Mukali sighed in relief.

‘…But why do I feel sorrow?’

He felt relieved, yet somehow his side felt lonelier today.

After a while of flirting with her husband, Aristine finally spoke to Mukali.

“You came to see us off, right? Thank you. We’ll be back soon.”

“See you off?! Absolutely not. If Your Majesties are leaving, I, Mukali must guard you.”

At that, Tarkan frowned slightly.

“Why do we need a guard?”


“I’m enough for my wife. Right, dear?”

“Oh, geez, Khan…”

“You’re enough for me, what about you?”

“Hmm, I wonder.”

The two were quickly got lost in their own world. Jacquelin, who had come with Tarkan, pouted from behind.

‘Seriously, this year…! This year, I am definitely getting a girlfriend!’

He had watched Aristine and Tarkan being all lovey-dovey for years.

Every year, he made this resolution, but sadly, it had yet to be achieved.

“Alright, time to head out.”

The carriage was set to stop by Actsion’s palace before leaving the imperial grounds.

With Tarkan’s escort, Aristine climbed into the carriage, trying to calm her pounding heart.

‘I should visit Father too.’

Thinking of Nephther brought a smile to Aristine’s lips.

‘I’m really going on a trip.’

That small space where only a small patch of the sky could be seen.

Ever since she was imprisoned there, Aristine had dreamed of wandering freely, seeing everything she could.

Now that the opportunity was here, she couldn’t help but be excited.

And just as she had hoped, the journey was filled with countless new experiences.

Aristine met many people she was happy to see again.

And also.

Someone she had hoped to see again and laugh with again, someday.


Early Access available on Patreon.

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Miss Ruby
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That last line sounds suspiciously like Lu…
Seems like with the inspections, Nepther, and now potentially Lu, Khan is going to have to try really hard to have a second child. XD


Thank you so much for the quadruple update, Miss Ruby!

I’m happy to hear that Paellamien got to marry a husband she can love. So much better than the “single leaf” man that the queen had chosen for her before.
It’s also nice to see the generals after so long too. It’s sad that Jacquelin still hasn’t found a girlfriend, but I’m sure it’ll happen for him eventually.
I’m looking forward to this trip.


Awww thanks Ms Ruby. There was a time that I thought Paella will marry Rineh’s brother haha. But anyway, excited to know who is that person in the last line. Possibly Lu… I hope he kinda moved on..Please don’t make it too hard for Khan’s plan for 2nd baby! 😂