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Forget My Husband, I’ll Go Make Money – Side Story 1.1

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Side Story 1 – Part 1


Silvanus and Irugo.

It had been over three years since these two great powers united to form one large empire.

Regardless of how harmonious the imperial couple might be, this was more than enough time for them to move beyond their sweet honeymoon phase.—


“They’re still not out?”

“Still not.”

Once again, the imperial couple were yet to emerge from their bedroom even though the morning sun was high in the sky.

“I know why but they need to start coming out now…”

“There’s a mountain of state affairs to discuss today too…”

The emperor’s closest officials were pacing anxiously in front of the bedroom door, holding stacks of documents.

It was absurd to show up at the crack of dawn—well, not quite dawn but early in the morning—at the emperor’s bedchamber with documents in hand.

After all, it’s not like there was a war going on or a national disaster.

It broke the rules of etiquette and most importantly—

‘Who knows how His Majesty Tarkan will react if we interrupt his time with his wife…!’

The officials trembled and swallowed heavily.

Despite all that, they were waiting here because they had faith in something.

“S-Should we yell a little louder?”

“Don’t! Do you want to get kicked by His Majesty Tarkan in the middle of the night?!”

“…Something tells me His Majesty will be far more occupied at night.”

“Frankly, I think he’s the busiest at night too.”

“…I have to agree.”

The officials nodded in agreement.

“But he could still kick you in broad daylight!”

“…I suppose we wait a little longer.”


The officials calmed down.

After all, their savior would soon make his majestic appearance.

And just as they had hoped, not too long after—.

“Surely, it is not another day!”

A loud voice cut through the quiet hallway outside the imperial bedchamber.

“Your Highness the Prince!”

“Your Imperial Highness—!!”

“We have been waiting for you, Your Highness!”

“You exude perfection even so early in the morning, Your Highness!”

The eyes of the officials were gleaming as they greeted the young prince.

Their pillar of strength.

It was none other than Prince Actsion, the eldest son of the two emperors.

Prince Actsion solemnly accepted the officials’ greetings with a firm “Mm!”.

Then he marched up to the bedroom door with his short legs, standing imposingly before it.

“Dost Impewial father and Impewial mother still lie fast asleep?” [1]

“That seems to be the case, Your Highness.”

“Their Majesties are known to be quite the sleepers, after all.”

“…Frankly, I’d say there’s a higher chance they’re engaged in some other activity rather than fast asleep.”

The officials spoke in a familiar manner, not even bothering to coat their words.

Prince Actsion let out a stern, disapproving hum, “It is said that laziess(laziness) is the bane of virtue! How can our two emperor act like this every day!”

After making that loud proclamation, the young prince shook his head back and forth.

“All of you, turn awound!”

“Yes, Your Highness…”

“And count to a hundred!”

“Oh? Not to ten?”

The officials blinked in surprise. The prince had always ordered them to count to ten.

With pride on his face, Prince Actsion cleared his throat. “Indeed. Count to a hundred! Surely you can all count to a hundred?”

“It’s my first time counting to a hundred, so I might not do it well, but I’ll try my best…!”

“Yes, I’ll try my best not to make any mistakes!”

“It’s an order from Your Highness; we cannot afford to make any mistakes!”

“Indeed, you all are loyal servants of this nation!”

Actsion nodded solemnly.

‘Where in the world is he getting these lines from?’

The officials wondered, biting back their laughter as they started counting, “One, two, three…”

Seeing them counting, the prince turned his gaze to his nanny and the servants. They, who were grinning at this scene, also turned around and began counting earnestly.

Once he saw this, Actsion felt relieved.

‘Phew, with this, I’ve protected Their Majesties’ dignity!’

Feeling proud, he turned towards the bedroom door and announced directly, “Impewial Mother and Impewial Father, Sion is coming in!”

Upon hearing his loud voice, there were hurried movements from inside the room.

‘I knew they weren’t sleeping,’ Actsion thought.

Unfazed, he counted to ten—although that was because he couldn’t actually count to a hundred yet—then he opened the door.

Immediately, he locked eyes with his mother. His proud mother went ‘hehe’ and smiled sheepishly.

So many words rose to his throat, but Actsion first shut the door tightly.

So that no sound would escape outside.


His beloved mother called to him in a small voice, but the child remained unshaken.

Standing opposite the imperial couple, Actsion placed his tiny hands on his hips and raised his eyebrows sharply.

“Impewial Father! Impewial Mother is busy! Behave yourself!”

“R, right. I’m sorry…”

Emperor Tarkan, who could command countless ministers with just a glance, bowed his head, unable to say a word before the small child.

“Impewial Mother! Impewial Father is busy! Behave yourselves!”

“B, but, it’s not me, it’s your father who—”


Actsion’s eyes glinted fiercely.

“Are no good…”

The two emperors calmly replied in unison.

Even Emperor Aristine, who was known to rebuff ministers with sharp words, quietly lowered her head without any retort.

Prince Actsion puffed out his chest and proclaimed,

“Since dimes(times) of old, an emperor…”

“…must prioritize the people’s welfare at all times…”

“Exactly so!”

Prince Actsion nodded solemnly with his short neck.

“As one who understands this so well, why dost thou act in such manner every day!”


“This is something only babies do! Are Impewial mother and Imperial father babies?!”

“We said we’re sorry…”

At this point, the two emperors were kneeling side by side on the bed.

Seeing this, Prince Actsion let out a huge sigh.

His breath making his bangs flutter made for quite the interesting sight.

“I shall forgive you…”[2]


“Yes; as I have learned, showing lediecy(leniency) to those who repent their mistakes is the virtue of an emperor.”

Watching their son explain his reasons so articulately, Tarkan covered his eyes with his hand.

‘Damn, who did he take after to be so sharp?’

The answer was obvious.

‘Ah, he got it from my smart and clever wife.’

And was that all?

His loveliness, cuteness, cheerfulness, kindness, good-natured heart, admirable quality—all of it came from his wife.

“You don’t need to blame yourself harshly if you did something wrong.”

Seeing Tarkan with his head down and his eyes covered, Actsion drew closer.

He looked worried.

“Sion still loves Impewial Father.”

In the end, Tarkan couldn’t hold back anymore and pulled his son, who looked so much like his wife, into a tight hug.

“That’s such a relief! So Sion still loves dad!”

“Wait, what about Mom? Hm?”

“Sion loves Impewial mother the most in the whole world!”

Actsion gave Aristine a peck on the cheek.

“I love my wife the most in the world too.”

Following his son’s lead, Tarkan kissed Aristine’s cheek as well. Aristine chuckled softly at the sight of the father and son, who looked and acted so much alike.

“Hm? No way! Mommy loves our Sion more though?”


“Let Mommy kiss those soft cheeks properly! Come here!”

“Daddy wants to see how soft our Sion’s cheeks are too.”

Actsion giggled as he received kisses from both his parents, thoroughly enjoying himself. Then he suddenly snapped to attention.

“This is no time to be playing awound!”

He had told the officials outside to count to a hundred. There was no time.

“Impewial mother, Impewial father, you need to get dressed! Do you know what time it is?!”

Prince Actsion sternly admonished the two emperors.

Aristine and Tarkan exchanged glances and, holding back their laughter, responded, “Yes, Your Highness.”



Translator’s Corner:

[1] Just to clarify, the prince is ~3 years old. His speech is not the most accurate, but he is speaking in a very ‘old-timey’ manner. It’s very funny to read tbh. I made him sound somewhat Shakespearean since I think that’s the most accurate way to show how funny it sounds.

[2] Omg, if you’ve ever placed ‘Princess’ with a baby, you know how this feels. My niece sentenced me to jail once, and I got beheaded QAQ. What kind of princess is that??

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Miss Ruby
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Awwww~~~~ theta re sooo cute together, Sion is so adorable 🥰🥰🥰🥰. thank you sooooooooooooo much Ruby for translating this. I was waiting for this 😭😭.

Lama Omar

Cute! They are adorable 🥰
And they’ve memorized their son’s speech too
The nicest thing is that both of them think their son is like the other
He is actually a cute mix
I feel he takes after Nephther and Launelian too


Where is the next chapter?


your the best miss ruby!!! iloveyousomuch🫶🫶🫶

this family is so cuteee!! and what do you mean by eldest son? they have another baby!!?