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Forget My Husband, I’ll Go Make Money: Chapter 364

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Succeeding the throne (13)

* * *

The rays of the sun brightened Aristine’s path.

The golden imperial crest shone brilliantly on her immaculate white coronation robes.

Tarkan extended his hand, and Aristine placed hers on top of his.

His large hand squeezed her own firmly.

As if saying they would be together, through anything, whether it was a thorny or flowery path.

Aristine glanced at her husband who was standing next to her. His face was dazzling under the sunlight.

“I’m really the luckiest person in the world.”

Despite being born as the noblest existence, she was abused from a young age, abandoned and imprisoned by her father, and sent to an enemy nation as a seed of war.

Some might pity her life.

But Aristine did not see it that way.

Because she met Tarkan.

And because she would walk with him in the future.

“It is not luck.”

Tarkan looked at his wife and spoke.

“Everything is a result of your choices and actions.”


“The fact that you love me feels like a dream.”

“It’s not a dream.”

Their foreheads touched.

Their gazes lowered and their breaths tickled each other.

Just as their lips were about to meet,

“Ahem, um, sorry to interrupt this lovely mood, but it’s time for you to enter. The door… is already open.”

The grand chamberlain cleared his throat and quietly intervened.

They were so lost in their world that they hadn’t even heard the announcement for their entrance.

The nobles, who had been kneeling and waiting for the new emperor to walk down the red carpet, sensed something was off and sneaked a peek.

Then, they saw the imperial couple standing at the wide-open door, about to share a passionate kiss, and blinked in surprise.

Once she heard the chamberlain’s words, Aristine was shocked and quickly turned her head away.

Then she found herself face to face the nobles who were blatantly staring and didn’t know what to do.

She couldn’t’ believe she had shown such indecency during this sacred and majestic coronation ceremony.

And this wasn’t just any coronation.

It was the unprecedented, unique coronation of two nations that had been enemies for hundreds of years, coming together to crown joint emperors.

From the next coronation, a single emperor would inherit both countries, making this coronation truly unparalleled and one-of-a-kind.

‘…What did I do?’

Aristine’s mind was spinning, wondering how to resolve this situation.

But at that moment.

Tarkan’s hand slipped under her cloak and grabbed her waist firmly.

Instantly, Aristine was pulled towards him and their bodies tightly pressed together.



The nobles cheered.

‘Wait, they’re cheering? Seriously?’

While she was bewildered, Tarkan’s lips reached her own.

The brief taste of her lips left him wanting more, but he pulled away.

Aristine was utterly stunned and could only blink.

Tarkan gave a wide grin.

Eventually, a smile spread across Aristine’s face too.

The new imperial couple began walking down the red carpet.

The cheering people bowed to show their respect.

No one could bestow a crown onto the emperor who descended from divine blood.

Hence, the two emperors handed each other the royal scepters and crowned each other with the imperial crown.

After placing the crown on her head, Tarkan’s hand grazed past Aristine’s hair and caressed her cheek.

There was almost no distance between the both of them.

“Let’s finish what we couldn’t finish earlier,” he whispered.


“Because it’s here.”

Their faces drew close again.

The nobles clasped their hands together, whispering, “Oh my!”

Launelian covered his eyes, looking pained, while Nephther shook his head.

Right when their hot breaths were about to merge,


A loud cry echoed through the quiet hall.

Recognizing their son’s voice, Aristine and Tarkan’s heads turned at the same time.

With a determined expression, Actsion was crawling towards them with his chubby limbs.


“Oh my, the prince is so adorable!”

“My goodness!”

The nobles gasped.

Actsion, having crawled to his parents, puffed out his cheeks and went ‘Hng!’ then looked up at them.

With a tiny hand, he grabbed Aristine’s dress.

And then…


Everyone exclaimed.

Because Actsion heaved and stood up on his two legs.


“The prince is the best!”

Actsion looked around with obvious pride on his face.

People burst into laughter at this sight.

Aristine picked Actsion up.

“Our Sion is amazing, standing on your own already.”

“Indeed, to be standing on your own on this wonderful day. As expected of my son.”

Tarkan echoed Aristine’s words.

‘But couldn’t he just wait 5 more minutes…’

He couldn’t help but feel amazed by his son’s impeccable timing.

The hall was filled with smiles seeing the harmonious imperial family.

Coronation ceremonies were usually filled with solemness, but this particular one held a uniquely warm and touching atmosphere.

Aristine and Tarkan each kissed their son’s chubby cheek and slowly left the hall, leaving behind the nobles whose expressions were filled with respect and affection.



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Miss Ruby
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Cuuuuute! I love it! But I feel sorry for Tarkan :-p

Thanks Miss Ruby!

Lama Omar

Sooo cuuute
They are adorable
Thanks for the translation Miss Ruby
ps. I think there is a typo;” After placing the crown on her hear”, it’s probably head not hear
Nothing major but I thought maybe I should mention it.
Thanks again for your hard work!
I’m so excited for the end.

Lama Omar

You are welcome!
Actually your translations are really amazing and I rarely find any mistakes, it even doesn’t feel translated!
Your updates make my day.
Thank you again for your hard work!


Perfect way to start my birthday. Thanks so much, Ruby!


Thank you for the translation, Miss Ruby!

Aristine and Tarkan have come so far since the beginning of the story. Reading about their coronation after everything they’ve been through makes me smile.