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Forget My Husband, I’ll Go Make Money – Side Story 4.2

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Side Story 4 Part 2

* * *

Seeing Aristine leave the building and head straight for the carriage, a court lady asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to explore the streets a little more?”

“Mn. We’ll tour the capital another day.”

Until now, she had been so busy that she hadn’t been able to go out unless it was for official duties.

“I think we’ll need to disguise ourselves better when we do tour the capital,” Aristine added.

“Ohh. If we were anywhere else, people might doubt Your Majesties being here but not in the capital,” the court lady realized.

“But still, I don’t think they would disturb Your Majesties’ da… I mean, incognito outing,” another court lady added.

“Yes, everyone’s heard the legend of how the people of Irugo watched your date without disrupting a long time ago.”

They were referring to the first time Aristine visited the Pink-Pink Nyang-Jelly Merchant Group.

“…Should that even be called a legend?” Aristine asked, baffled.

“What? Of course!”

“If that’s not a legend, what is?”

Aristine could only nod in the face of their matter-of-fact attitude.

‘Although, I feel a little sad getting back in the carriage like this.’

Aristine held Tarkan’s hand and climbed into the carriage, feeling a bit down.

‘It would have been nice if we could wander the streets like we did back then. Especially that street food!’

Just as she was sitting there, feeling wistful…

“Your Majesty, would you like some of this?”

Mukali suddenly appeared at the open window, holding out something.

He held out several snacks, such as chicken skewers and hot dogs.


Aristine’s eyes lit up like the stars and her sullenness was nowhere to be found.

“Sir. Mukali! You truly are my joy, my faithful, dependable, precious friend!”

Mukali felt proud seeing Aristine so happy.

To him, Aristine was still the little thumb princess he needed to feed seven meals a day.

“Haha! I knew you’d like it! You can’t call it a trip without snacks—.”

Mukali suddenly stopped speaking when a chill ran down his spine.

He looked up to see Tarkan glaring at him with knives in his eyes.

“Hmm, I didn’t know you were such a precious friend to my wife, Mukali.”

Tarkan raised a brow.

He was clearly smiling but somehow, it was laced with the smell of blood.

Sensing a threat on his life, Mukali looked at Aristine with pleading eyes.

‘Please say something!’

Aristine tilted her head, confused.

“Of course he’s precious! Why wouldn’t he be?”

‘Aww, that’s so nic…wait, no!’

Mukali felt cold sweat running down his spine.

‘I believe you meant Milord, not me! Otherwise, this Mukali is doomed!’

“Hmm? Sir Mukali, why are you sweating so much?”

Aristine stretched out her hand to Mukali.

Right at that moment, Tarkan pulled her by the waist, and slammed the window shut.

It happened in the blink of an eye but Mukali’s sharp eyes caught it. Just before the window closed, his lord silently mouthed:

‘Let’s train together when I get back.’

Was it really training?

Mukali’s broad shoulders slumped dejectedly.

* * *

A majestic carriage drawn by four horses came to a stop before the imperial palace.

The eyes of the court ladies gleamed brightly when they saw the emblem engraved on the carriage.

‘He’s here…!’

‘Yes! even without Their Majesties here, palace affairs will be maintained!’

Soon, the carriage door opened, and a man stepped out.

Blond hair as dark as honey.

Purple eyes as mysterious as the dawning sky.

A tall frame and broad shoulders.

A strong, lean waist and long legs.

‘This is it…!’

‘His Grace, Grand Duke Launelian!’

Despite the fervent gazes, Launelian ignored everything.

He took long strides into the palace, ignoring the chief steward’s greeting.

That was how excited he was.

He couldn’t wait to see his beloved sister and his nephew, who was an exact copy of his sister.

His face was full of smiles then he suddenly paused.

‘Odd. What is this nasty feeling?’

Something was bothering him.

It felt like the most precious thing in the world had fallen into the hands of a villain…

But before he could think further, that thought disappeared.


Because he saw his nephew loudly call out and run over to him.

A bright smile bloomed on Launelian’s face when he saw Actsion.

“Well, if it isn’t our prince!”

Launelian lifted Actsion high into the air.

The boy was heavier than before, but it only made him more adorable.

“Uncle, I missed you.”

“Oh, yeah? I missed you too, my prince.”

After patting the child’s bottom, Launelian continued walking, eager to see his sister as soon as possible.

But when he arrived at his sister’s office, what he saw was not his sister’s lovely face, but—.

【Rineh is on vacation with me.
Here’s a list of things to do to make sure that Rineh doesn’t have a hard time when she returns.】

The note was written in unusually neat handwriting, accompanied by a mountain of work.

Crumple! The note was crushed in Launelian’s hand.

“Tarkan, that little…!”


Early Access available on Patreon.

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Miss Ruby
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Lama Omar

OMG this is so funny LOL
Launelian you just fell straight into their trap
Good Luck finishing all the work 😂


I fear that future visits from Launelian will be surprise visits so Tarkan can’t pull something like this again. But for now, it was a successful trap. I hope he’ll look on the brightside though. He gets to have some one-on-one time with his beloved nephew. And we all know he’ll do the work that was left for him for Aristine’s sake.