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Emilone’s Temptation Labyrinth – Chapter 56

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Once I said the last sentence, I finally exhaled. Then I suddenly remembered something and quickly added one more thing.

“Of course, please enjoy yourselves within reason.”

That was something Reneben had told me to add, and I clenched my fists because I almost forgot to say it.

Still, as a former actress, I was used to having multiple eyes focused on me.

If anything, my heart was excited because it felt like it had been a while.

“Lady Emilone.”

A party atmosphere began to form after my words and the mood naturally affected me as well.

Since I was already seated here, I decided to wait a little longer before standing up, but then, I realized I didn’t even need to stand as the people I wanted to meet came to me on their own.

“Your Ladyship the Princess, Your Royal Highness…and… Lord Helio. It has been a while.”

When I blatantly looked up at the Crown Prince without bothering to stand, he started squirming again.

It was really hard to keep my face intact and stop myself from laughing.

“It feels so long since I last saw Your Holiness. You look even thinner than before, what’s happening?”

“Thinner? Impossible. Our chef’s skills keep getting better and better these days.”

Since she was flattering me with small talk, I responded likewise.

She hesitated, then approached me, swaying slightly.

“You’re the one becoming more beautiful by the day, Princess.”

“Oh my, you’re too kind! Compared to Lady Emilone, I’m still far behind.”

Somehow, it seemed like no one could interject, not even the Crown Prince, Duke Cassian, Reneben or Helio.

Maybe I was keeping the conversation flowing too smoothly, but they reminded me of big dogs waiting for the right moment, and I had to lower my head in amusement.

I hated parties, but meeting people and creating these kinds of situations was fun.

I barely managed to stop my shoulders from shaking.



“Sorry, but would you ask a servant to bring me some wine?”

Right then, the Crown Prince seized the timing and made his request.

“Ask for Exios.”


Reneben froze hearing the Crown Prince’s command, and knowing he’d freeze, I called out to the Crown Prince.

“Your Highness.”


“Reneben is the High Priest.”

In other words, he’s not someone who should be taking orders from you.

At my words, the Crown Prince raised a brow again, and Ronella hurriedly grabbed his arm and waved her hands.

“His Highness didn’t mean it like that. Hm? Right, Your Highness?”


“Oh, perfect timing. A servant’s here. Just ask him to do it. Your Highness, are you upset?”

This woman, was she deliberately triggering the Crown Prince? I stared at her with a dry gaze, seriously wondering.

While asking if he was angry, she was subtly inflating his irritation.

Normally, the Crown Prince would have spoken rudely to Reneben or I by now, but he remained silent.

As a result, the Princess’s eyes unconsciously narrowed, and I inwardly applauded in surprise.

“…Exios, please.”

Then I watched as the Crown Prince spoke to the approaching servant.

I wonder if he was dispirited because I cornered him in our conversation three days ago.

Although he was shrinking back, there was a strange calmness about him, and it didn’t seem like a bad thing.

He always had a handsome appearance, and when Ronella was around, he seemed to shine even more.

“Exios wine is famous for its bitter and strong flavor. Do you enjoy it, Your Highness?”

I asked as if nothing had happened, and Ronella’s gaze shifted to me.

That expression.

Very subtle, like she was contemplating something.

I loved that expression.

“…I don’t enjoy it…but I have it occasionally.”

Because it showed me that this was a person who could think and move on her own.

Ronella suddenly grabbed his sleeve.

Perhaps she felt a sense of crisis, and right then, Reneben brought me a glass of white wine that suited my taste perfectly.

At that moment, I spotted someone in the crowd.

Since I was getting tired of sitting here and looking up at them, I stood up from my chair, shaking my wrist.

“A guest has arrived below, do excuse me for a moment.”


“A guest?”

“What do you mean?”

I winked at Reneben, signaling that I would leave them in his care for a moment and he looked troubled.

“I’ll be right back.”

Duke Cassian and Helio, who had been silent until now, turned their gazes in the direction I was heading.

Today, my goal was simply to enjoy the party.

Like I said before, the point was to have a great time.

I slowly approached the man. Even though he knew I was coming, he didn’t turn around and stayed busy talking.

“Your Highness, Prince Alois.”

“Lady Saintess.”

“Welcome. I was worried you’d be late.”

Of course, with Ronella here, I wasn’t worried at all.

As I approached the prince, the mummers grew louder. Everyone seemed to have forgotten how good my hearing was.

“You were waiting…”

He looked happy and his neck flushed slightly. And when he extended his hand as if to escort me, the noblewomen whisked out their fans to cover their face.

When I took his hand, our bodies naturally drew closer. Like he was waiting for that, the prince whispered in my ear.

“Did you really wait?”

His voice was lower than before, sending a shiver down my spine.

His breath tickled my ear, and I quickly covered my ear before shooting him a look that said, ‘what are you doing?’. But Alois merely wore a casual expression, as if he didn’t do anything.


The loud sound of something breaking caused Alois to quickly pull me towards him, just as I realized what caused the noise.

“…Oh no.”


“What a disaster.”

“…So, it seems.”

Was it impossible to just enjoy a party for once?

A man in servant robes had fallen in an unseemly manner, shattering glass and red wine which spilled on Ronella’s beautiful dress.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

I wringed my hand out of Alois’s grasp and approached the servant.

Sure enough…with Ronella around, there was never a dull moment.

The servant’s hand was pressed against the broken glass, so I quickly took his hand and injected divine power.

“Um…are you alright?”


He seemed to be in quite some pain, as tears welled up in his eyes. I looked at the fully healed wound and gently patted the servant’s shoulder to calm him down.

“I… I didn’t mean to.”


“I didn’t…mean to fall…”

I blinked as if to say, ‘Who would fall on purpose’, and the servant was taken aback and quickly shook their head.

“Someone suddenly pulled my leg, and I…”


He spoke so softly that no one else heard what he said, and I reflexively glanced at the Princess.

I tilted my head slightly and my gaze flitted between the crown prince and the Princess.

Previously, when we were in the temple’s greenhouse, two servants had broken the crown prince’s candy jar.

They had said something similar back then.

That it had ‘suddenly’ broken.

Now, I think I knew who the culprit was.

Most likely Ronella.

She was really doing all sorts of things to get attention.

With her excellent magical skills, rather than faking fragileness to be loved, it would be better if she showed off her talent.

I smacked my lips and brushed off the remaining glass shards on the servant’s hand.

“I believe you. So don’t worry.”

I nodded and gave him the softest smile I could muster, and the servant, with tears in his eyes, nodded back and stood up.

“Wait…wait a minute.”

First, I sent away the servant and turned around to soothe Ronella and the crown prince who were affected, but the person who spoke was unexpected.

Normally, the crown prince would have already grabbed the servant and started making a scene but…

I turned to Ronella who asked everyone to stop, then she shook her head gently and looked up at the crown prince.

“…Your Highness.”

She looked like she was hoping for him to handle this situation.

At this point, I was slightly irked.

Well…it was fine since this was still fun.

Unlike me, she was very quick on her feet, and someone who was skilled enough to deceive people while meticulously managing herself…

Wouldn’t you call that talented?

She was also skilled with magic and with that brain of hers, she could do anything she wanted.

Then again, how could I possibly know what goes on in her mind?

I was about to speak then I saw the look on the quiet crown prince’s face and decided to keep my mouth shut.

“…Ronella, calm down.”

“…Your Highness?”

A look of disbelief and surprise appeared on Ronella’s face and took a while to disappear.

I was surprised too. I had to press my lips with the back of my hand and freeze my shoulders to stop my laughter from getting exposed.

“It seems that what I said last time had an effect.”


“No, it’s nothing.”

I realized that the meddling advice I gave the prince three days ago wasn’t useless after all.

Under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t be odd at all for him to lose his temper first and cause a big scene.

I studied the crown prince. There was a different emotion in his eyes, different from the burning passion he always had for Ronella.

Everyone had stopped what they were doing and was watching us.

The beautiful singing had long stopped, and even those who had been dancing were now curiously glancing our way.

“I’ll get you a prettier dress next time.”


“The servant’s the one who got hurt, don’t take too much offense.”

It was a minor act of kindness to those in a lower position, a trivial thing in reality.

“Are you alright?”

The prince even glanced at the servant and asked.

But for the crown prince who had never shown care for his subordinates, this was likely a huge step.

It was something he had to do and something I hoped he would continue to do.

As a ruler of this country.

Alois, who was following this change, muttered.

“…How unexpected.”

That was exactly what I thought too, and I lightly placed my hands together, giving a smile.



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Miss Ruby
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Thanks for the chapter *\(^o^)/* I had such a blast reading from where I left off

Oh? Is this growth that I see? Emil very much had to (verbally) beat that into the CP but still, growth? For a person of his position?

I want her to talk to Duke Cassian since I have a soft spot for him but there’s nothing to be said btw them lol. He won’t ask her to stay (he better not) and she’s got Alois for support now. He can’t leave the empire for her. Such perfect 2nd ML setup 🥹


Thanks for the update! Been enjoying this novel. Read it all in 1 swoop haha
Really love our FL. Even tho she’s been saying she’s calculative, etc but she really cares for the weak.


Thank you so much for the update, Miss Ruby.

It’s been a while since we saw Cassian. I thought he’d play a bigger role in the story, but he got side-lined and didn’t show up after Alios showed up. I wonder if he’ll do anything interesting.

I am also surprised by the crown prince’s change. It usually takes longer than one serious verbal beat down and three days for a person of his position and arrogance to change. He’s actually making an effort. How shocking.

Ronella, on the other hand, is just being Ronella. I doubt she’ll ever change, even after the fishes she’s been keeping in her fishery leave one after the other.


I wish mc would start one upping that fake aaa princess soon 😭