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Emilone’s Temptation Labyrinth – Chapter 55

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“You can say you’ll be different than all the emperors who ascended the throne with a Saint by their side the entire time but…”


“If you wish to have me by your side when you ascend to the throne, you must respectfully ask me as the Saintess. I want to stand by an upright ruler. The type of person who understands the moral obligations of nobility and is willing to sacrifice a part of themselves for others, that is whom I will stand by.”

In other words,…

“Whether you have me by your side or not depends entirely on Your Highness.”

“…What does that even–”

Considering Prince Yuina was here, I didn’t want to drag this out any further.

I walked up to the Crown Prince before he could say anything else and whispered in his ear.

“The emperor is the protector of this vast land. He exists not to rule and look down upon others, but to protect and make it prosper. You and I exist because of the people below us. There must be someone to protect for a protector to exist. Everything you enjoy has a price. Think carefully about what that price is.”


“When you understand the price of what you enjoy…”

I slowly walked past the Crown Prince.

“Then we can have a conversation.”

The door opened. Not wanting to see the Crown Prince’s face, I looked outside and found someone standing there.

Soft brown hair along with a pair of red eyes that seemed out of place.

Prince Alois, whose eyes resembled mine despite his plain hair color, was looking at me.

He took Yuina from me in a natural manner and carried the boy. Yuina, who was especially obedient to Alois, clung to him and his eyes darted back and forth.

“Are you okay?”

“Hm?… yes… I’m fine…”

His innocent eyes didn’t know where to look and continued spinning around until they were about to fall off.

“I heard Your Holiness was here, so I came… and it seems someone else is here as well.”

He was referring to the Crown Prince and he seemed curious about what happened.

If the conversation shifted to the Crown Prince, I would be cleverly drawn into Alois’s pace and end up telling him everything that just happened.

Obviously, I can’t let that happen.

I gently relaxed my stiff expression.

“I had a guest. But we’ve agreed to revisit this in three days.”

I quietly smiled at him.

My eyes met with Chen, who was tightly clinging to my priest robe, and I winked to say that what just happened was a secret, he signed that he was hushed.

“Three days, you say…”

“Nothing special. With the help of the young miss of the Misha Earldom, we plan to host a party similar to the ones held at the Count’s manor.”

“Why are you throwing the party?”

I knew he would ask that question.

With a thoughtful look on my face, I lightly squeezed Chen and pecked the child’s temple.

“For fun. There’s really no other reason.”

I also wanted to give the priests and paladins, who were always working, a day to relax.


Alois sighed like he was helpless against my decision.

“You will come to the party in three days, right?”

Alois’s eyes lit up faintly.

Sometimes, those red eyes seemed to burn intensely when they looked at me.

“Of course.”

It was a satisfying enough answer.


On sunny days, everything felt good.

Reneben was explaining about the party across from me. I didn’t attend parties often, so my knowledge was insufficient.

“Normally, serval parties are held in a day. It might be noblewoman’s tea party, someone’s birthday party or a celebration of something.

After explaining, he said it never ends and handed me a pair of white gloves.

Since it was going to be held at the temple, I was stuck on what to wear today and decided to don my white priest robe.

“If there are so many parties, why haven’t we held one in the temple halls?”

I put on the gloves Reneben handed me, repeatedly clenching and unclenching my fists.

“…The previous saints…didn’t like it very much.”


When I tilted my head, my handmaid stomped her feet and told me to stay still.

Layers of accessories were added to my neatly braided and pinned-up pink hair, but it wasn’t too excessive.

“Parties are the base of the aristocratic circles, the center of controversy, commotion, and gossip, and a place for them to flaunt their power.”

The handmaid’s touch was delicate.

“To those who wished to quietly overlook everything from above, such lavishness wasn’t very appealing.”

Watching the fine powder being applied to my face in the mirror, I couldn’t hide my admiration.

“Hmm… but.”


“A party is also a battlefield.”

I lowered my eyes slightly as I picked up the staff used by the previous saintess.

“Shouldn’t you get to see the country that you’ll be leaving for a while?”

After carefully analyzing my words, Reneben trembled slightly and nodded firmly.

For a while.

The phrase ‘for a while’ was a common phrase but to Reneben, it meant a lot.

He was leaving the country he grew up in and going to another country.

I doubt it was an easy decision.

For me, it didn’t matter since I just happened to fall into this country as a saintess, but it was different for Reneben.

The only person I was taking with me was Reneben.

“The great Crown Prince is coming, and Prince Alois, of course. Even the Ducal Prince and Princess are coming.”


“Let’s have some fun, shall we?”

Reneben had chosen to abandon everything he had built up and follow me solely because I was leaving.

I lightly patted the shoulder of this commendable and loyal High Priest, wondering what I should do with him.

Seeing the emotion on Reneben’s face, I stood up.

“To be honest, I’ve barely just adapted to the Empire. I don’t know if I will be able to adapt well in another country.”

“If it’s Your Holiness, you’ll be fine.”

Somehow, his words felt encouraging, and I laughed quietly, bringing my hand to my lips.

As I walked out into the hallway, I glanced out the window and saw nobles arriving one after another in well-maintained carriages.

They were adorned more beautifully and splendidly than I, the host of the party.

Right then, Princess Nestro came into view, and I unconsciously pursed my red lips more than usual.

“Reneben, let me ask you one last thing.”


“Do you regret leaving the Empire?”

I wanted to do things in another country that I had managed to do here purely by my own efforts.

Like setting up an orphanage or an academy for commoners.

Though they seemed minor, once I decided to do these, I had to stay up for several nights, processing paperwork and creating systematic plans, the kind of work that exhausts people.


“Go on.”

“I am a High Priest.”


“I am the only priest on this continent that can serve Your Holiness the closest.”

My eyes widened at his resolute tone, which I had never heard from Reneben.

“My allegiance is to the temple, not to the Empire. And the temple exists in every country.”

I realized there was no need to ask the same question anymore.

Seeing his determined face, I couldn’t say anything else and stepped away from the window.

“Very nice.”


When I saw his ears turn red from that one remark, I let my gaze drop lazily.

“Shall we go to the hall? The party is starting.”

There was no more idle chatter. I looked around, thinking of the paladins and priests who were already waiting in the hall.

“How many parties have we attended recently?”

“…They have increased significantly since Prince Alois arrived.”

I rubbed my lower lip with my thumb, agreeing with his words.

To think I was very reluctant to attend parties at first, but now I was used to them, and mostly unfazed.

They were troublesome, cumbersome, and involved etiquette which I wasn’t used to.

Honestly, I really hated them.

With a gentle shake of my head, I questioned the mindset of those who attended parties every day.

Soon we arrived at the entrance of the hall.

“Lady Saintess.”

“You’re here.”

“Thank you all; you’ve worked hard.”

A newly appointed young priest of the temple greeted me with a bright face.

The old servant bowed in a familiar manner and welcomed me.

As if on cue, I waved my gloved hand and asked him to open the hall doors.

With a respectful gesture, the servant opened the large door.

Knowing that I disliked the formal announcement of names upon entry, he remained silent.

When the door opened without any announcement, people’s attention was naturally drawn to the door.”

“Oh my… I hope I’m not too late.”

Feeling their gazes, I drew out my words in a lazy tone.

“Welcome to the temple.”

With my dark pink hair and vivid red eyes, I doubt there was anyone who couldn’t recognize me, but I decided to do a brief introduction.

I raised my head slightly, wondering what to say, and then chose one of the many possible lines.

“Thank you for coming all this way.”

Reneben extended his hand with perfect timing, and I gently placed my hand in his.

Was the walk to the seat of honor always this long?

The piercing gazes made me want to shiver.

Midway, I locked eyes with Princess Ronella Nestro. Standing next to her, was the Crown Prince and Duke Cassian.

The Sage Helio also seemed to be in position, likely acting on behalf of the emperor.

I couldn’t help but feel stuffy inside.

Once I reached the opposite end of the hall, I let go of Reneben’s hand and ascended the steps to sit on the chair.

Unlike the golden throne for the emperor, this seat was white and pure, making my heart beat faster.

I blinked and lowered my eyes to hide my expression then I stared straight ahead.

I watched the Crown Prince’s shoulder shrink back slightly when our eyes met, and I suppressed a laugh.

“May God’s blessing fall unto all gathered here today.”

The sight of the Crown Prince shrinking because of what I said before made my stomach twist with laughter. However, the words out of my mouth remained calm and utterly saintly.

“Please enjoy yourselves.”



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Miss Ruby
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Thank you, Miss Ruby, for this chapter!

Gosh, I love Emilone. She is a saintess and takes her job seriously and meticulously, but she’s also so bada$$ and has a charisma that demands respect. To think, this story started out where her only enjoyment in this new world was to watch Ronella manage her fishery; one of those fish being Reneben.
Now she’s come into her own, leaving by behind a corrupt empire that always looked down on her and the temple. And Reneben is a faithful and loyal ally of hers (possibly developing feelings for her). I’m really excited for what the future holds.
But with Ronella here, I feel like something big is going to happen again.