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Forget My Husband, I’ll Go Make Money [Chapter 34]

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A very shy pervert (5)

Just when Yenikarina was about to be pushed into a corner.

“Yenika has a leg ache so it will be best for her to remain in a comfortable seat.”

She heard a voice of salvation.

‘Royal father!’

Yenikarina looked at her father with misty eyes. She quickly agreed with what he said.

“Yes, indeed. Yenika would love to concede Yenika’s seat for the sake of peace but…”

She cutely let her sentence trail off then she shook her head.

“No, not necessarily for peace, I would love to give up my seat for my new big sister. Yenika really likes Sister Rineh.”

She gave a bright smile as she mentioned liking Aristine then pursed her lips with a sullen face.

“But my legs don’t feel that great…As you can see, Yenika is on the smaller side compared to other people.”

I am a bit fragile.

Her big eyes looked up at Aristine with that sort of meaning.

If her opponent were someone else, it would have been quite effective to mention the contrast. But it wasn’t as convincing because she looked more fit than Aristine who was from a different race.

Aristine watched Yenikarina act out her play then she slowly opened her mouth.

“Oh no, I didn’t know you were feeling uncomfortable, Yenika. Are you alright?”

“Even if Yenika is feeling uncomfortable, this is an occasion to welcome you, Sister Rineh so of course, Yenika will come!”

“Thank you.”

Aristine raised the corner of her lips.

‘I didn’t think the King of Irugo would intervene here.’

She didn’t expect it because the King had been calmly watching things unfold like an observer. Even more so because he had acted favorably towards her.

‘Hmm…she is the king’s favorite daughter. I never thought that I’d suddenly be more favored than Yenikarina.’

After all, she had only met the king twice, yesterday and today.

If he was willing to erase everything after just that, it meant that the king of Irugo was a foolish monarch.

‘If he were that emotionally driven, the position of crown prince would not still be empty in the first place.’

He would have already made Tarkan the crowned prince.

Nephther wanted Tarkan to be his successor but had no intentions of crowning Tarkan at the cost of splitting his country apart or creating conflict. He wanted people to turn to Tarkan rather than force it, which is why he paired Aristine with Tarkan.

‘The king’s attitude towards me is favorable, that part is true.’

But as much as he acknowledged her, he intended to test her as well.

‘He’s probably thinking—Oh? Not bad, huh? How far can you go then?—or something like that.’

When Aristine didn’t say anything for a while, Yenikarina smiled triumphantly.

‘Hah, you may have tried to look good before father yesterday, but Royal father favors Yenika the most!’

She leaned back in her chair, gazing at Aristine and Tarkan like she was showing off.

‘Yenika is the only person who knows father’s weakness and can hide it for him!’

The Queen also looked at her daughter with pride.

Just when the pair of mother and daughter were getting drunk on their victory…

“Instead, as Rineh said, a couple should stay together.”

Everyone was startled by the nickname that came out of the king’s mouth.

‘He said Rineh…?’

‘To think he calls the princess as if she’s his own daughter.’

‘What the? Didn’t he step in to give Yenika a hand?’

While people were taken aback, the king continued speaking without a pause.

“And as Tarkan said, space can easily be made.”

After saying that, the king glanced at the court servants.

“Bring a chair.”

The court servants bowed and followed the king’s orders.

They quickly brought a chair for Tarkan and Aristine, they didn’t know where to put the seat in the area reserved for the immediate members of the royal family.

The queen deliberately changed the spacing of the seats to make it difficult to add extra chairs. In order to add the newly brought chairs to the table, the chairs that the royals were sitting on would have to be moved and re-arranged.

“No need for such hassle.”

Nephther said and gestured to the area right below him.


Once people’s eyes fell on where he was gesturing to, they let out a silent scream.

The space just below the King and Queen.
That place was something that had to be left empty.
It was a space reserved for the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of this country.

“Y-Your Majesty!”

The Queen called the King, almost screaming.

The king’s blue eyes slowly turned to the Queen.

“What is the matter, Queen.”

His tone was laced with warning, but the Queen refused to simply back down. She couldn’t let Tarkan sit in that position. She had to stop such a thing from happening.

The Duke of Skiela was also agitated and rushed to speak.

“That place is for the Crown Prince and Princess, Your Majesty! How can His Highness Tarkan who is only second-in-line to succession sit there!”

“The Duke is right. There are laws and propriety that need to be followed in the royal family.”

The Queen agreed with the Duke to strengthen his position and appealed to the King.

The King looked at the two of them and burst into boisterous laughter.

“You all think too much. Don’t think so deeply about it. It’s just putting a chair in an empty space.”

If there was really no meaning to a seat, there would be no problem with having Aristine sit in the lowest ranking area.

‘And yet you didn’t say anything when Tarkan dared to defy me with some nonsense about putting peace at the lowest position!’

The Queen’s eyes flashed with anger.

Even though he saw that, the King merely gave a relaxed smile.

“It can’t be helped. After all, there was a mistake in the seating arrangement.”

The Queen flinched and stiffened.

This whole thing was her scheme from the beginning. She acted like it was a servant’s mistake but everyone in this room knew that wasn’t the truth.

Now that the King has pointed it out, she had no choice but to back down this time.

The Queen clutched her armrest tightly. Anyone could see she had been bitten by her own ruse.

With anger raging in her eyes, she turned to Tarkan and Aristine who were sitting in the space for the Crowned couple.

The two of them sat there comfortably without any sign of unrest as if the seat had been theirs in the first place.

The couple-to-be sat side by side, their beauty in full display, and the harmony between them painted a beautiful picture.



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Miss Ruby
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LOL how the Queen’s plan backfired…so satisfying.
thank you for the update!

Night Cheese

Idk seemed like a pretty dumb and shallow plan from the start. If it succeeds, she gives them a small but meaningless slight. But it risks possibly draws resentment from the king and exposes her as being petty.

Not to mention there has to be the possiblity that the king just calls her out on it. It’s not like they live in an equal society. Why would he have to put up with his wife going against him? I don’t think she can threaten him, sinxe exposing his weakness doesn’t work in her favor either. Just overall a petty and shallow plan.

curry rice

trueee, but i guess in politics every move is counted

mariam ali

ممكن تنزلي فصل 35 36 37 مش كل مره تنزلي فصل واحد بس ممكن تنزلي فاصلين كل مره مش فصل واحد بس


Isn’t that why the king doesn’t put the queen, the duke and their descendants in his eyes? They’re overall petty and mediocre.
I’m guessing the king knows Yenika’s true personality and gives her his favor, lightly supporting her brother.
That indirect favor to that other prince (forgot his name) that he receives through his scheming sistory maintains the delicate power balance. Even though he obviously wants Tarkan to become the crown prince as he’s the one with the most ability

Heath Bar

I mean, I love this series, but we just had 5 chapters of political maneuvering over a chair. I like to speculate sometimes how much of the political rules in these novels are colored by Asian royal dynastic behavior. I feel like feudal Europe was more inbred/insane and less nitpicky. Have you ever noticed how often The Northern Duke rules a huge cold area like a king and The East Has The Most Grain and the South Is Warm And Has The Capital and every country has a Special Founding Day Celebration that the whole country is required to attend or be held in contempt of the monarch? Still I love the characters in this one and I pretty much read anything with well-developed or entertaining characters, so on with the show! Thank you Ruby!


Actually, there were those kinds of manouvres in reinnacement Europe and all.
It’s not that far-fetched, as I have read some of those plots in diaries and, to be honest, they are as petty as they can be.
The worst hahahahahhaa


“less nitpicky”

Oh dear, please don’t assume that. Just look at the courts of Empresses Catherine I, II, Elizabeth, and Anne of Russia. Let’s not even get started with the German sovereignties. A wrong shade of pink and suddenly you’re exiled to a nameless Mediterranean island. They too would make a big deal about something like this, to be honest. While a lot of Korean novels have unnecessary drama used from Eastern practices (e.g. polygamy, rules of succession that allow concubine-born children the right to inherit, etc), we also get more rights for women (by the start sometimes, or by the end). That said, it kinda turns me off when we see a Christian-like religion with a polygamous culture, just feels a bit weird, lol.

Heath Bar

Thank you both for the extra information, now I have more history to investigate! I retract my comments on Western courts and admit that silly people are everywhere. 🙂


AHAHAHA this chapter is so satisfying to read! Eat that sh*t nasty queen! 🤣🤣


Every damn time Yenika opens her mouth I just 🙄😒😪😫🥱🙉


in your face b!tch


Karma is a beezy, Queenie Queen. So satisfying. I think I have a new favorite web novel. <3 Thank you Miss Ruby!


Way to go king!! The queen sure got busted. This chapter was so satisfying. As always, thank you for the chapter


Everyone talked about everything I wanted to say but
Does the king really like Yenika?
If someone were to use your weakness to gain favor and place in the royal family, would you really love that person?
Unlike MC, who had the king ate a lot of sweets with her hand, the king didn’t take that much with Yenika’s hand.
Yes, no one likes someone who always uses their weaknesses.
This just proves Yenika’s stupidity because she really thinks she’s lovable.

Finally, thanks for the translation


in my opinion…I thought simply the king liked her as a daughter. With a little cleverness she knows how to use her cuteness to win over her father the king. Like being a child who cares for her father the most. If I’m not mistaken she’s the youngest right from Queen child?


Yeah, but think about it, he ate more candy with MC than her.
Also, isn’t it clear in this chapter that he doesn’t really like her ?
And most importantly, isn’t it just malicious? I think the king knows her truth exactly how he loves her I mean, she’s literally using him to get prestige


Yeeyy love papa king in this chapter!
thank you Ruby!


Ms.Ruby thank you for this wonderful chapter. I finished reading Lucia and i’m in tears I also finished reading “you got the wrong house villain” and I just want to say you did an amazing job!


Thank you for the update! I’m really enjoying your translation.


Shit. Talk about power couple.